Thursday, January 29, 2015

Another Beautiful Day!

   Kylie got John up at 6:00 this morning to go out!  I slept right through it.  He went for a long walk while I slept in.  After breakfast we said our good-byes to our neighbors, Jim and Janine who were pulling out today and then headed to the pool about 11:00.
Jim and Janine
He was forced to retire from a CPA firm and
they became full-timers right away!
  While I was reading a moth landed on the corner of my book, "The Red Tent".  It read 2 pages before flying off :) 
See the moth on the upper right corner of my book!!
We struck up a conversation with our lounge chair neighbors, Ellen and Mike from Illinois, and before we knew it we had invited them to go along to Sonny's BarBQue tomorrow night!  We left the pool at about 2:00 because we had to get ready to meet Bonnie and Ken at their CG in Naples at 4:00 which is about 55 minutes south of here.  Club Naples is beautiful!  The sites are a bit close but certainly manageable.   We talked outside for a while and then Ken and John grilled while Bonnie and I got side dishes and salads ready inside.  Then it was game time!  We played Skip-O which the women won and then pinochle which the men won.  We ended the night with Sequence Dice and the women won that one!  It was sure nice to spend time with my sister and her husband again.  We always have so much fun!  Of course, we forgot to get pictures.  We hope to get together again a couple of times in the next few weeks so we'll get pix then.   I talked with Michele and TW when we got back about 10:00 and then we went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you came to Club Naples. We enjoyed spending the evening together and especially the ladies wins!!!
