Friday, January 9, 2015

Another Cool, Overcast Day on the Island

  While John did his morning exercise routine Kylie and I took a walk down to the office to mail a card and then she kept me company outside Harvey while I swept and put the tablecloth on the picnic table.  I also tried to fix an outside solar powered light stick that I broke.  Even duct tape couldn't come to my rescue this time!  John got back about 10:30 and had breakfast.  We decided to think very positively and headed for the pool even though the clouds looked very threatening.  Of course, we were the only ones there!  We got in the hot tub for about a half hour and then went to our chaise lounges.  After about an hour and a half of wearing a sweatshirt and covering up my legs with a towel I drowned that positive thinking and told John I had had enough. We came back and John took a nap while I played Word Twist on our tablet.  We went down to the club house for pizza night and to enjoy the music from the Bad Grass Dirt Band.  We left about 8pm then played Toss up, Pass the Pigs and Tip of the Tongue (it's a trivia game for those of you with dirty minds) and then we went to bed. 
The Bad Grass Dry Band

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