Friday, January 23, 2015

A Nice Relaxing Day

   Since the weather was a calling for possible rain sometime today we decided to hang around the CG, do some shopping and laundry.  We had a late breakfast and headed to the pool.  I did my exercises while John went to the weight room to finish up his exercise routine then he joined me in the pool.  Now it was time for some lounging!!  It was very windy by the pool, but sunny and warm.  By about 1:15 all lounge chairs were full and so was the pool!  Most people were floating on "water noodles".  We stayed until about 3:00 then cleaned up and got ready for our shopping venture. We had gotten a call this morning from the Christian Music store that the CD I had ordered was in.  The store is beside Costco and I had a sweatshirt to return there, so we headed there first.  We were also hungry for pizza so we thought we could kill 2 birds with 1 stone and splurge on dinner at Costco.  Well, it turns out we went to Costco just for dinner, because I forgot the receipt for the sweatshirt!!  Then we went to Kmart and Publix grocery store and got back about 7:00. Then it was laundry duty.  Since the laundry room is right next to the shuffleboard courts we played 3 games while waiting for the laundry to finish.  John won the first one by a landslide and I won the 2nd one pretty handily.  The 3rd game was a fight to the finish and John was the victor!  We got back to Harvey about 9:30.  I called Rhonda to see if she wanted to do some shopping tomorrow, and... we're on!!  We watched TV for a while and went to bed. 

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