Saturday, January 10, 2015

Oh Fudge!!

  The day started off pretty chilly again today, probably mid 40's.  John did his routine while I did some of my therapy exercises in the RV.  We decided to go out for breakfast, so we headed for Ft Myers because I had something that had to be returned to Kmart by today and that was the closest one.  We tried to find something different that was local but had no luck, so we ended up at Bob Evans.  It was pretty good.  We returned something to Walmart and got a new halter type collar and some dog food for Kylie at Pet Smart and then headed back to the island.  The sun was starting to come out and it was warming up, so we wanted to get back and go to the pool.  BUT... we stopped at the candy/fudge shop just over the bridge in Matacha and we were there for at least a half hour!  The owner and I talked quite a bit about candy making and he also was sharing with us all the best local places to eat and hang out.  He was quite a conversationalist (ooh, big word).  I wasn't going to buy any fudge, but after talking with him so long I kinda felt obligated!  It was a cute little shop...I wish  I would have remembered to bring my phone and camera!!  Sorry!  We didn't get back to the CG till almost 3pm, but by that time the sun was out and it was nice and warm, about 72.  John left the pool about 4:30 to go walk some more (he's trying to get 10,000 steps in each day) and I left about 5:00.  Once the sun starts to go down it gets chilly fast!! When I got back I tried the new halter we bought for Kylie.  Pugs should wear a small, so we bought her a medium, and guess what... that one wouldn't even go around our "fluffy" little girl.  No fudge for her!!  We had a smorgasbord of leftovers for supper and then we watched the Ravens/Patriots game.  We just relaxed the rest of the evening and then went to bed.  BTW... when we were coming back from shopping an RV pulled up beside us on the highway that had a PA license plate on it.  We kind of forgot about it until we realized it was behind us just before we stopped at the candy store.  We figured it might be coming to the Pine Island CG, so when we got back we drove around the CG to see if we could find it.  We did, and they are from Camp Hill!  We didn't want to hold them up since they were trying to set up, but hopefully we'll get to talk with them some more.

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