Monday, January 5, 2015

Pine Island, Florida... Here We Come

  We got up at 7am and had some breakfast before heading out at about 8am.  We had about a 2 and 1/2 hr drive to Pine Island.  I called my sister, Bonnie, to see how she and her husband, Ken, were doing with their preparations for leaving for Florida on Wed morning.  They decided to leave Tuesday morning instead because it's just too darn cold in PA.  And, now, they are concerned about some snow that's predicted to start before dawn on Tuesday.  Their plans might change again. 
   We finally arrived at Pine Island CG at 10:30.  YEA!!!!!  We were able to get a spot near the front of the CG so I didn't have to walk so far with my cane to get to the office, pool, and shuffleboard courts.  John went outside to do all the hook-ups while I started to work on the inside "décor."  The propane truck just happened to be filling up for the couple across from us, so we had him fill us up, too.  John came in to check the electric service, but there wasn't any!  It was getting quite hot inside Harvey by now, maybe because the temperature here was 82!  Sorry, am I rubbing it in??  So John got one of the maintenance guys from the office to check the post and we ended up hooking to the post of the guy behind us.  Success!!  But about 15 minutes later everything shut off again.  Turns out that the "splitter" (a converter used to turn 30 amp service into 50 amp service) that we were using can't be used here.  We removed the splitter and all was well, well almost.    I was putting things away in my bathroom cabinets when I saw this thick layer of "white stuff" all over the bottom shelf of the linen closet.  A bottle of shampoo that was laid over had lost its lid sometime during the trip and oozed out all over the carpeted shelf.  Probably 2/3 of the bottle spilled out!!  What a mess.  It took me almost an hour of scraping the surface over and over with a small spatula to get it cleaned up and put back in the bottle (hey, it was expensive stuff!!).  But the cabinet sure smells good!!  We ate some lunch and did some cleaning and organizing inside and outside Harvey then rested outside for a while.  We took Kylie for a walk around the CG and came back and cooked "Bubba" burgers on the grill.  They were yummy!  We watched some TV, John went to bed, and I worked on the blog before heading for bed.  Sorry, no pictures again today.  Gotta start carrying the camera!!

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