Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Uneventful, Cool, Overcast Day

The weatherman promised a warm, sunny day today... they lied!  I got up and put my bathing suit on in preparation for going to Sanibel Island today.  BUT... it was cool and overcast and the sun was no where in site!!  My  hip was really sore this morning.  I might have overdone it in the pool yesterday.  John went for a bike ride.  I sure wish I could go, too, but my physical therapist said I should wait another 6 weeks until I do that just in case I would have to stop quickly and have to put my left leg down suddenly to stop.  That could mess up everything!!  I'll have to be patient!!!  I called my son and daughter to see how things are going in NY with arrangements for their father.  I worked on our blog posts from the last 2 days and I made pickled eggs.  If that doesn't indicate boredom, I don't know what does!!  We were hoping the sun might still make an appearance and we could at least go to the pool, but it wasn't in Mother Nature's plan, so we drove down the road to Dairy Queen instead for Blizzards.  YUM!!  That was the bright spot in the day! :(. John grilled Bubba burgers for supper and then we played Nerts and Tip of the Tongue trivia.  I creamed John at Nerts and he beat me at trivia.  I talked with my sister for a while... they are at Harbor Lakes.  John did some reading while I watched American Idol and worked on our blog post.  Then we went to bed.  Kylie is already asleep!!  Needless to say, I don't have any pictures today.  Tomorrow and Friday don't sound much better than today, but we're keeping our fingers crossed that it might change.

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