Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Surprise...a Gorgeous Day!

 We woke up to a sunny sky and warm temp.  The forecast for today is for warm but mostly overcast, so we aren't going to risk the drive to the beach.  John did his thing and I went to the pool about 10:00 since the sun was still shining very brightly.  I decided to do some of my exercises in the pool because I had talked with a woman at the beach on Sunday who had a hip replacement, and she said she did a lot of "walking" in the pool and "she got good" real fast.  Hey, it's worth a try!  Then I sat in the hot tub for a while before John arrived.  He wanted to walk more to get his 10,000 steps in.  He came back about 12:30 and shortly there after went back to Harvey for some lunch.  I wasn't hungry, but he did bring me a pack of peanut butter crackers to eat when he returned.  The skies were still sunny with a slight breeze and temp of 82!!  It was a perfect day at the pool until I got a call from my son that his father(my ex husband) had passed away in his sleep last night.  All the details are pending so I don't know yet whether I'll be flying home or not.  We left about 4:00 because we had to get ready to meet our friend, Rhonda, from York who now lives here in Cape Coral.  Her son, James, was a good friend of my son, TW all through grade school and middle school.  We were neighbors for a while.  James is the manager at Hurricanes Grill and Wings just down the highway from our campground, so we met there.  It was so good to see Rhonda, her friend, Kevin, and James and meet his wife, Megan, who also works at Hurricanes.  Oh, my, has James ever grown into a handsome young man... so mature!
James has come a long way from
those teenage years in York, PA!!
  He has a little girl, Ellie, who's 2 and has a little boy, Jadeon James on the way in March.  He was telling us that he hopes to get noticed by the corporate office and eventually open up his own upscale restaurant.  Rhonda is a mortgage closer and Kevin is just about ready to start his own building business. (He moved here from York also). Accd'g to Rhonda the housing business is just about ready to boom here.  They came back to see Harvey and we caught up on our lives while poor John was trying to solve a problem on the phone with Comcast.  They left about 10:15.  I talked with Michele and TW again and then we went to bed.  It's supposed to be a great day tomorrow, so I think we're going to go to the beach on Sanibel Island which is about an hour from here.

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