Monday, January 12, 2015

Warm but Cloudy/Damp Day on Pine Island

  We woke up to warm temps but very cloudy and humid conditions.  The rain held off long enough for John to do his morning routine and after tidying up around Harvey I headed out about 11:30 to pick up a few things at CVS, Dollar General and Winn Dixie.  I got back about 1:00 and we had some lunch.  John decided to take a nap in preparation for the late night we'll have tonight because of the NCAA championship game.  I played on the computer for a while and then went outside to sit a little.  Bonnie and Ken's former neighbors, Russ and Darlene stopped by while riding their bikes and told us to stop over later to check out their 2008 Bounder.  They are planning to leave the campground tomorrow morning.  So about 5:30 we walked to the back of the campground where Russ and Darlene are parked and on the way we saw 2 wood storks that hang around an RV where the occupants made a mistake by feeding them one time.  Now they can't get rid of them! 
These wood storks have definitely out stayed their welcome!

We sat and talked with Russ and Darlene until about 6:45 and then left to get ready to go to Woody's to sample their famous hamburgers and watch the first half of the game. (Woody's closes at 10:00.). The hamburgers were delicious and we had a few drinks while watching the game.  John was rooting for Ohio St to support the Big Ten and I was rooting for Oregon mostly because I don't like Ohio St, but also because I wanted to see them win their first championship.  We left Woody's in search of a place was would be open for the rest of the game.  We passed a bar by the name of "Froggy's" that was still opened so we watched the rest of the game there.  
This was the napkin/condiment holder

This is the sign above the table we were sitting at.
How appropriate that we found a place with a frog theme, huh!?!

This is the "island Santa" in the corner of the bar.
Looks like he should have a drink in his hand!
  I was disappointed that Oregon didn't win, but I have to admit that Ohio St played a heck of a game and certainly deserved to win!  We were wide awake, so we both read a bit and then went to bed.

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