Friday, January 30, 2015

Pix, Pool and Pork!!

  We had to set our alarms this morning because of the 8:45am MRI pictures of my foot in Ft Myers.  John cooked breakfast and we headed out at 8:15.  We got there early but they took me right back.  John went next door to the car wash to give the Jeep a much needed bath while waited for me.  They have a machine that they slipped only my foot into to do the MRI.  I was done in 45 minutes!  I'll get the results next Wednesday at my follow up appt.  We stopped at Publix and Kmart and got back to the CG about 10:30.  I made a bunch of phone calls.  Then John dropped me off at the pool about 1:00 while he took Kylie to the groomers just a few doors down from the CG to get a bath and have her nails trimmed.
Kylie is exhausted after her trip to the groomers!!!
  He did his weights, took a short dip in the pool and then went for his walk to put steps on his pedometer.  He's so diligent!  Ellen and Mike arrived at the pool and we made plans to meet at 6:00 to go to Sonny's.  John  picked up Kylie, finished his walk, and then picked me up from the pool about 4:30.  I cut off the soft cast (I only needed to wear it for 48 hrs) so I could get finally in the shower.   Ellen and Mike picked us up at 6:00 and we headed to Sonny's.  They had never eaten there and they loved it!  As usual, it was delicious!!  They came over to Harvey afterward and we introduced them to "Pass the Pigs" and "Up and Down the River" card game.  We had a great time learning to get to know each other a bit and sharing RV tidbits.  They are such nice people!
Mike and Ellen
They have  owned their own commercial and residential electrical contracting business in Illinois for about 30 yrs having bought it from the original owner.  Just like us this is their first extended trip with the RV they bought from one of their customers.  We exchanged email addresses in hopes that in the future we might meet up again.  They left about 10:45, I worked on my blog post, and we went to bed.  Can hardly believe that tomorrow is our last full day here!

1 comment:

  1. Glad the MRI went well and now we will hope for good results and easy solutions to the problem. Good you could get rid of the cast and shower! I bet John was thankful too! Have fun in the Venice area!
