Friday, October 10, 2014

A Lazy Last Full Day on Parris Island


   John took a long walk and I had some phone calls to make.  By the time we finished breakfast it was 10:00, so we decided to just lay low today and spend some time in Harvey.  John also wanted to clean the Jeep, so while he was gone I caught up on some emails and started to put some things away in preparation for tomorrow's move.  When he came back he called me outside to look at something.  He was putting the bikes on the bike rack and checked the inside of the one saddle bag and guess what was inside...a small green frog!!
They must surely know of my "FROGGIE ASSOCIATION"!!!!!!  I made some egg salad for lunch and then we played Nerts.  John won, so I took him out for supper.  But first we decided to go onto the base and take some pix of some of the things that were most memorable.
This is one of the first things you see when entering the base.

The shooting range we "heard" almost every morning.

There were 50 targets on each of the 4 ranges!!

Above ground heating/AC ducts all over the base
We were hungry for Chinese so we headed to Beaufort to a Jade Garden that we saw earlier in our travels.

Watermelon "transporters" that are cut-out, open air school buses
  But first we wanted to find little stick-on hooks to hang our toothbrushes.  We went to 3 stores before we found something that would work!  Who would have thought it would be so difficult?  The food at the restaurant was very good, so with full bellies we went "home."  To get ready to leave tomorrow John cleaned up outside and I finished "battening down the hatches" inside.  I wonder how many froggies are hiding inside our rig and will make the trip to GA with us.  We headed to bed.

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