Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Met up with Bonnie and Ken then to Charleston

   We met Bonnie and Ken at 8:45 am at a Denny's in Point South, SC about 45 minutes north of our campground.  They are on their way to Florida from Lanc Co.  It was good to see them since we haven't been together since Sept when we all went to Cape May.  Ken has bounced back well from his heart cath and stent last week.  Bonnie is still waiting for her results.  I thank God that they both have doctors that take good care of them!  They took off in their Winnebago "Waldo" about 10:30.  I got a call from my daughter-in-law, Arlena... poor little Bennett has pink eye and an ear infection in both ears plus a cold!!  We decided to head about an hour and fifteen minutes farther north to the Air Force Base in Charleston.  It was huge!  The CG there is really pretty with lots of palms and evergreens.  There were 43 sites that were very roomy.  We would seriously consider staying there sometime!  We stopped at the base exchange to get a new hat for John.

"Look at my new hat"

  Then we headed to Folly Beach about 20 minutes again farther north.  It was very similar to the beach in Hilton Head... very expansive and not much character, but was it ever a treasure trove for shells.  I was in my glory!!  There were lots of olive shells, shark eyes, augers, and my new favorites... baby ears and the insides of conch and whelk shells.

Clockwise from top L to R: olive, baby ears, insides of conch/whelk,
shark eye, conch, slipper, asst. shells

Folly Beach
    We were there about an hour then headed out for our 2 hr trip home.  On the way back we stopped at The Carolina Cherry store that we had seen on the way to Charleston.  They advertised cherry, apple, peach, and blackberry cider and we could sample them all!  They had all kinds of jellies, jams, and butters that we could also sample.  It was a really neat little shop.  We bought some cherry cider and very berry jam.  They are both scrumptious!  Of course, by this time, we were both pretty hungry because we hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.  We ate supper just off our "home" base at Fat Patties, a hamburger joint.  It was very good.  There was a beautiful full moon that followed us home.  I tried to get a picture, but it didn't turn out:(  We fooled around... on the computer a bit and then went to bed.  It was a long day but super enjoyable.  John only mentioned work once today... how nice it is not to dread having to go back to all those emails that used to pile up while he's was gone!

1 comment:

  1. Sitting here smiling at the end of the day,,,,,,,,you two look to be having the time of your life, love the beach photos............very inspiring. Roxanne
