Saturday, October 4, 2014

Another Long, Wonderful Day at the Beach

   We woke this morning to the sound of squad leaders shouting commands at groups of young Marine men and women who were running past our RV in full gear and holding their rifles, too!  Some of the women didn't look like were going to make it.
These poor female recruits were exhausted!

  We called our grandson, Bennett, to wish him a Happy Birthday, but he wasn't very receptive.  He's 3 today.  They're having a party for him tomorrow at Chucky Cheese. 
This is Bennett with us at Pinochet Park in Sept.

John cooked breakfast that was delicious and then he went for a walk.  I cleaned up the dishes and then packed our lunches to take along to the beach.  We decided to go to Hunt Island State Park again because of how beautiful it is.  I guess we won't make it to the Shrimpfest after all because it only lasts until 5:00 and it's too good a beach day to leave early!  We'll just have to get our own shrimp.  We arrived at the beach about 11:00 am to cooler temps, about 72, and there was a pretty good breeze (yes, we did get sand in our faces a few times), but, all in all, an almost perfect day for the beach.  I found a few neat shells, but the sharks were pretty stingy with their teeth today... only found 3!!

The water was still very warm, but that might change tomorrow because the temp is to get down to 46 tonight... yikes!!  We left at about 5:30 pm.  While putting our "stuff" in the car a family asked us where in PA we were from.  Turns out they used to live on Abbeyville Rd in Lancaster but, after visiting their daughter here, they fell in love with the climate and moved here.  They said they don't miss our winters at all!!  We talked about attending church here on the base tomorrow, so we stopped by the chapel to check on the start time, but there was nothing posted.  We checked on line when we got back to Harvey and to our surprise found out that only recruits may attend.  We cooked supper, made a phone call to Ken, watched the Nebraska/Michigan State game and then went to bed.  It's nice not to have the AC on tonight!!

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