Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cool, Breezy Day on Jekyll

   John got up super early this morning so he could get pix of the sunrise over the ocean down at Great Dunes Beach.
This is 4 of 350 pix!!
  He was pretty chilled when he got back because the temp was only in the high 50's and he hadn't dressed warm enough.  We ate breakfast and then he went for a long walk while I played on the computer.  When he got back he asked if I wanted to go for a bike ride to show me where he walks.  We rode about 3 miles in and around Driftwood Beach ending at the Clam Creek Pier.  Driftwood Beach is very interesting... almost creepy at first.  It's a small beach that is covered with driftwood as small as a twig and as large as a whole tree and everything in between!!  
Grandma and Grandpa LOVE YOU!

Grandpa and Grandma LOVE YOU!!
These pix look like something out of a horror movie, don't they?!?
  It seems to be a mystery how all this driftwood developed on only this part of the beach.   We decided it might be a little too chilly for the beach, but Sharon, next door had suggested trying South Beach sometime, so we headed out there to check it out.  It had a huge beach area and was much cleaner that the Great Dunes area.  There were only 2 other people there!  We might try it tomorrow.  Then we went to Walmart to get some groceries.  Bonnie called just as we were parking and we chatted for a while.  We ate lunch at Zaxby's, a fast food restaurant similar to Chik-Fil-A.  It was very good!  I talked with Dad on the way home and we pulled in the CG about 3:30.  We decided to go for another bike ride.  This time we rode out about 3 1/2 miles, saw 3 deer just grazing in people's front yards, and stopped at Driftwood Beach again on the way back. 

This is "Bucky"

Driftwood Beach at dusk and high tide
We got back about 6:20 and attempted to watch some football outside, but those nasty "no see-ums" forced us in.  Those little buggers have quite a bite, especially in your scalp!!  We were going to play a "bully" game of Hand and Foot but we were too tired.  Heather and Cooper called, so we talked a while.  It's only 9:30, but I think we'll go to bed now.


  1. You and I ate at Zaxby' in Kentucky. I love that place!
