Saturday, October 18, 2014

Another Beach Day

   John took a long walk and I got a cooked breakfast ready for us when he got back.  We packed lunches and headed for the beach at about 10:30.  The water was even more filthy than a few days ago, but to my amazement, there were a lot more shells on the beach!  Sand dollars were still all over, too, but most were still alive.  There were several people collecting the live ones... they had grocery bags full of them!  I pointed out to them that they should throw them back, but they gave me those "you've got to be kidding me" looks.  The one guy even told me how neat they get when you bleach them.  It made me so mad!!!  It got really hot, in the mid 80's, and we couldn't go in the dirty water, so  we left about 3:30 .  When we got back Ken and Kathy (the couple from Hershey) were outside, so I went over to chat (John was in the shower).  John came over and we all talked some more.  Turns out Kathy's family lives in Mastersonville and she went to Manheim Central until the 8th grade.  We even have some mutual acquaintances!  We hope to get together with them again this week.  They will be here until the end of the month.  John started a campfire while I showered.  I made some mac and cheese and veggies and we cooked hotdogs over the fire.  We watched some college football on the outside TV.  I gave Mom a call and cleaned up the dishes.  Another neighbor, Sharon, a widow from Mississippi, came over and asked if she could sit by our campfire for a bit.  She came over a little later and we chatted for about an hour.  She has been spending 5 mos here for the last 7 yrs.  She has a cat named "Miss Kitty."  I'm guessing she is about 70 or so and she drives a 20 yr old bright yellow VW Bug with daisy looking tail lights and pastel flowers painted all over it.  She said she's going to park it in a lot tomorrow and paint it with more flowers.  She also said the gray upholstery is starting to fall off the doors so she duct taped the upper seam back on and applied yellow rickrack to it!
All it needs is eyelashes above the headlights!!
  We think the CG stores her trailer here the rest of the year.  She was a hoot!!  I'm sure we will see more of her!  We watched some more football inside, John went to bed while I stayed up to finish my blog posts.  Florida  State just barely beat Notre Dame.  I had a hard time rooting for a team because I don't like either one of them!  It's 12:30am now...I better go to bed!

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