Sunday, October 12, 2014

Our First Full Day on Jekyll

   John took his daily walk and commented that we will have a lot to explore on the island by foot and by bicycle.  We're both looking forward to that!  We had breakfast, then off to the beach at about 10 am.  The first place we walked out to had only a very small strip of sand with a lot of rocks and dead, fallen trees.  So we drove farther down toward the convention center where there was a parking lot for the beach.  We had to walk over a bridge and then thru what reminded us of a jungle and there was the beach! I think we'll find another entrance tomorrow.  It was nice, but there were no shells :(  It was really hot at first, about 85 degrees and no air moving.  We got in the water a lot.  But then a breeze kicked up and it got much more comfortable.  About 2:00 it got really hot again and we jumped the waves for about 45 minutes.  We got out to dry off and left at 3:30.  We got showers and headed off the island to a nearby Walmart for groceries.  And to our surprise we found an outdoor rug there for Harvey just like the ones we had been looking at in Camping World.

Isn't our new rug pretty!
  We figured that since we were out we would eat at Sonny's Bar-B-Q, a restaurant Bonnie and Ken had introduced us to in Florida. It's one of our most favorite restaurants that we have ever eaten at!!  We last ate there in April when we picked up Harvey, so we were like little kids anticipating our arrival.  And, as usual, it certainly didn't disappoint us.  It was delicious!!! (we forgot our camera, so we'll get a picture the next time we eat there-yes, we will go again!!)  We came home and watched the Eagles football game, talked with Bonnie and Heather, and then we went to bed.

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