Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Marathon Day on the Beach

 John got up early and took his walk and I slept in.  This is getting to be a bad habit!  We ate breakfast then went for a short bike ride.  Got back and packed our lunches, and were out the door for the beach by 10:30.  We decided to go to the southern end of South Beach to look for more shells.  John was so excited to go on his "shell stroll." He was very successful, finding about 8 more conch shells of all different sizes and a sand dollar.  I went a different direction on my stroll and only found 2 sand dollars.  UGH... out done again!!  It was a beautiful day in the high 70's and a little breeze.  It was so beautiful we stayed until 5:40...almost 7 hrs on the beach!!  Of course, we had a Yahtzee tourney before we left.  I WON!   We have quite a collection of shells, so we looked on line to see how to clean and preserve them.  We'll work on that tomorrow evening.  John grilled flat iron steaks and we used up some leftover side dishes for supper.  While I was catching up on my emails and some phone calls John decided to go out to Dairy Queen and get us some Blizzards.  He saw about 10 deer on the way home.  They are so used to people he actually stopped and talked to one of them.  I watched The Voice (LOVE THAT SHOW!!), talked with Alexandra (our granddaughter), and watched Marry Me, About A Boy, and Chicago Fire (Love that, too!)  John went to bed while I caught up with my sister's blog and finished my blog post.  Now I'm going to bed.  Sorry no pix today.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great time collecting shells, especially the sand dollars. Hope you are having a safe journey back to PA!
