Thursday, October 9, 2014

Another Day on Hunting Island Beach

Ahhh...the happy, contented couple!
We decided to leave early today-9am-to get a jump on shell and shark teeth collecting.  I am totally addicted!!  Sometimes, after we arrive at the beach, I never sit down until an hour later.  I started the day looking for sharks teeth.  I  can only concentrate on one thing at a time.  I found 4 but one was especially neat!  Later I went searching for sand dollars and much to my surprise was gone for almost 2 hrs.  I found 5 today but 3 of them were still alive, so I put them back.  I also found 4 gorgeous and large conch shells, but they, too, had "critters" inside, so I reluctantly put them back where I found them.

Wow!  Look at that sharks tooth!!

   I thought it was about 1:00 when I got back but it was 3:00!!  It was very warm again, in the 80's, and a brisk wind-just perfect for the beach.  John took 3 long walks.  He really loves to walk on the beach.  I think it has become one of his favorite things to do!  One of my friends and fellow Praise Team member had some surgery so I decided to send her a message.

  Around 4:00 the sun went in and it got a little chilly so we packed up and left.  We checked out the carwash on the base so we can give Harvey a much needed bath before we leave here on Sat.  It should work out just fine.  Then we took a bike ride, came back and cleaned up and had Healthy Choice Café Steamers for supper. 
"Smile"..."I am smiling but my butt hurts"
I called another friend on the Praise Team who also had surgery.  I knew the rest of the Praise Team was going to be there, so I wanted to join them!  John and I are going to finish setting up my new phone and tablet while watching football and then we'll probably go nighty night.  We're not sure what we're going to do tomorrow, but it's supposed to be gorgeous again.  We have been so blessed on this trip!  Me thinks we're getting spoiled!!!

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