Saturday, October 11, 2014

On our Way to Jekyll Island, Georgia

   John took his walk, we ate breakfast, and finished up the last few details that needed to be done in order to leave.  We left the site at 10:00 and headed to the car wash to give Harvey his first bath.  (I really wanted pix of this, but I got so caught up in plugging the machine with quarters that I forgot.)   We only spent $6.00!!  Then we had to gas him up.  I flipped down the license plate to reveal the gas tank and guess what I saw... one small brown frog and one tiny green frog!  Just as we took the cap off the tank the brown frog jumped inside.  I very carefully got him to jump out and then I caught them both!  I kept them on my arms for a while because I wanted to put them back when we were done filling the tank and take them along to GA.  But they got impatient and jumped off and took off. :(  (I wish I would have gotten pix of that, too!).  I'm such a novice at this blog thing!!  We hooked up the Jeep, I gave my mom a call, and we were on the road by 11:30.  Our check in time was 2:00 and we had a 2 and 1/2 hr trip so our timing was perfect!  On the way down we passed a few neat business signs.  One was a stone and tile business called," Taking it for Granite."  The other 2 were tattoo parlors..." Beauty Marks" and "Yes, It's Gonna Hurt."  We did arrive in Jekyll right at 2:00, unhooked the Jeep, and pulled into our site without any problem.  The island is beautiful, especially the entrance!
After this entrance sign it's still 4 miles to the inland
and then 2 more to the campground!
The bridge to Brunswick just outside Jekyll
Isn't it pretty!!
  You have to pay every time you enter the island, so we have to determine how often we will leave and whether to get a cheaper weekly pass or pay each time.  It was about 4:30 when we got finished setting up and talking with neighbors.  We were very hungry because we hadn't eaten since breakfast, so we went on a hunt for a restaurant.  We ended up at the Jekyll Harbor Marina/SeaJay's Waterfront Café.  The service was lousy and the food was mediocre.  We probably won't go back there.  We stopped at the market but the prices were outrageous so we'll have to go off the island for groceries.  We came back and watched some college football games until the Penn State/Michigan game came on at 7:00.  Penn State lost... they did not play well... neither team did!!  John turned in and I worked on my blog and watched Cut Throat Kitchen until about 12:30. 

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