Monday, October 20, 2014

It was a "Shell" of a Day!

   John went for his long walk while I slept in, tho I didn't mean to!  Might have had something to do with the fact that I doubled my nighttime pain meds so I could sleep better.  Then John made pancakes on the grill and I finished my blog post after breakfast.  We left for South Beach about 10:45 and entered at the soccer field.  It was a pretty long walk but a nice wooden access bridge.  There was absolutely no one on the beach but us! 
What a crowd!!
It was a bit rough out there today, but much cleaner!
It felt very weird and was almost boring until we decided to go separate ways and look for shells.  I wasn't very hopeful because the beach was so clean and free of shells except for tiny little ones.  But there were lots of little "moats" left over from the high tides and I started wading thru them.  Well, I found an almost unrecognizable conch shell  covered with a thick coating of a hard sandy barnacle type substance that was fairly easy to scrape off with another shell.  Then I found another and another and another, all different sizes.  John came back with even bigger ones... he was so excited!  And he kept apologizing for finding bigger ones than me.  (how sweet!). Till the day was over we found at least 30 different shells.  It was so much fun for both of us.  I think John is hooked now, too.

What a haul, huh?!?
  At one point the birds decided to flock right by the shoreline.  There were sea gulls, black and white birds with orange beaks, and white birds with bright orange beaks.  It was a site to behold because they basically grouped themselves together.  And when they all took off it was breathtaking! 
Bye, bye birdies
We left the beach about 5:20, came back and had leftover Sonny's for supper.  While John was outside Wanda and Wally,whom we had met in Indiana at the Escapees Rally, stopped by with their dog, Leo.  I joined them and after chatting a while they asked if we wanted to go along to a "Low Country Steam Pot" meal on Friday for lunch. (we can't remember where they said it is held). Of course, we said, "Yes."  About 7:00 Ken and Kathie came over for a drink.  We chatted for about 2 hrs and they left at 9:00.   They are very nice people!  They live just north of Hershey with a Hummelstown address.  Ken is retired from 40 yrs at PP&L and Kathie is retired from 35 yrs at PennDot. We exchanged phone numbers and hope to get together some Thursday evening to play Trivia at Mick's in Mt Joy.  I watched the rest of The Voice while John played on the computer with the 250 pix he took of the birds.  Then we went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. John and Cindy!!! These pictures are beautiful and I am sure that they do not do any of the sites you are seeing any justice at all. I must admit that all of these seagulls this close to me would have absolutely freaked me out! We are keeping an eye on your block and being jealous EVERY second. Hope everything is going great for you!!! Happy Halloween!!!!
    -Andrea :)
