Monday, October 6, 2014

I Finally Got a Smartphone

   After John's walk we decided to head back to Hilton Head to replace my dead flip phone.  We figured we might as well check out one of their beaches while we're there.  We stopped at a Waffle House just outside the base for breakfast.  It wasn't as good as we thought it would be, but our bellies were full.  It took about an hour at the AT&T store and we left with a pink Samsung smartphone and a LP tablet that was a $.99 promotion.  Imagine us with all these electronic gadgets.  John understands all this stuff much better than me, but we're awfully glad our son, TW is an electronic guru!!  Many of our phone calls to him start with, "Can you help us with...."  We arrived at Burkes Beach about 12 noon.  There was about 600 ft of damp, clean sand but no shells :(, and there were little holes that spouted water all over the beach.  We figured they must house some sort of "critter." There was a "moat" farther down the beach where fresh water from the shore and salt water from the ocean met each other.  The answer to the little holes was in the side of the moat that continually washed away. By the time we left at 5:30 there was only about 25 ft of beach left!
The entrance to the beach
One of the dunes
The wide, clean beach area
John and his book!
The moat
The tunnels the "critters" build under the sand
  We grilled hamburgers for supper and then John worked on a plan to get together with my sister and her husband tomorrow on their way down to Florida.  I watched The Voice in the living room while John watched Monday Night Football and read in the bedroom.  Then I worked on the blog and went to bed.

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