Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Another 80* Sunny Day on Hunting Island

   We woke up to cloudy skies but temp in the 70's.  While John went for his walk I worked on yesterday's blog post.  While I finished up John packed our lunches so we could head to the beach.  On the way to the beach we stopped at Best Buy to get a screen saver for our new tablet but they didn't have one that fit!  We went next door to Walmart and they had one.  Boy, are they ever buggers to put on!  I know now why the clerk said he would explain how they go on, but he wouldn't put it on for us.  We arrived at the beach about 11:30 and left about 5:30.  While I was looking for sharks teeth a fellow beach bum stopped to talk and told me he and his wife had found about 15 sand dollars today.  John walked up the beach to look for some and he came back with 2!  He showed me where he had found them and we found 3 more!  I was so excited because I had never found a sand dollar!  We also found a couple of live ones, but we returned them right away.  We found out you can spot live ones by looking for 4 holes close together in a circular pattern in the damp sand.  They are just under the surface and they are hairy.  The dead ones don't have any hairs.  It also surprised me that they are brown.  We did find one that was pretty white, but didn't I go and break it on the way home:(

Our sand dollar haul
  John took some laundry down while I got the side dishes ready for the chicken he is going to cook on the grill for supper.  I watched The Voice while he went back down to switch the laundry to the dryers and play with the new tablet.  We talked with Bonnie and Ken and we are meeting them tomorrow morning at exit 33 just off I-95.  It's about an hours drive north for us, but well worth it to see them and catch up.  We won't get to see them again until Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John & Cindy, I'm really enjoying your blog updates, but the picture of John in his swimsuit was a bit disturbing. Ha Ha Have fun and be safe out on the road. P.S. I hope john didn't break the leveling system again!!! :)
