Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fond Farewell to Jekyll Island

   We got up early to eat breakfast and do all the final prepping for our departure today.  We packed up 2 plastic totes with any clothing, shoes, etc we thought we might need for the 2 months we will be home and packed a cooler with some of the perishable we just couldn't part with and we thought would make it home all right (as long as we kept ice in it).  John hooked them to the new utility tray we had bought to hook on to the back of the Jeep because there just isn't a lot of room in the back seat.  That thing works really well!  We filled the back seat with all our electronics, cameras, souvenirs, and other "stuff".  While John hooked up the bicycles  I took all remaining perishables to Miss Sharon, said good-bye to Kathy (Ken had already gone out for donuts) and we were on the road by 9:00 am.  It was about a 45 minute drive to King's Bay Naval Base in Georgia (just above the Florida line) where we will be storing Harvey until we return in January.  Upon arrival we gassed up the Jeep then went straight to the campground where we were able to do our final "dumping" for $5.00.  Then we headed across the driveway to the camp host to get the key for the storage area down the road. He had just given it to another RVer who was already on his way there, so we followed him down.  We had no trouble finding a spot and John brilliantly backed Harvey in.  The one thing we didn't think about was defrosting the fridge/freezer the night before.  We spent about 20 minutes or so scraping out the ice and cleaning up the water puddles.  We didn't want to risk any extra humidity in Harvey because humidity in an RV can cause a lot of potential problems.  We ate the sandwiches we had packed, did a final check thru Harvey and then loaded the bikes inside.  We returned the key and were on the road again by 1:00 headed for Fayetteville, NC where we will stay in a Holiday Express for the night.  As we got into SC and close to Parris Island where we had stayed the first 2 wks of our trip, I needed to get out and stretch, so I asked John if we could find the Carolina Cherry Co store we had stopped at while on Parris Island.  I wanted to get more cherry cider and yummy jellies.  We found it quite easily.  Back in the Jeep for another 4 hers...UGH!!  We arrived in Fayetteville about 6:30 and looked for a place to eat supper.  We picked Shoneys since neither one of us had ever eaten there.  Guess what... we will never eat there again!  It wasn't horrible, but the service was lousy, especially since no one was there, it took forever to get our food, and neither one of our orders came out right.  But we were hungry, so at least it filled our bellies.  We got to the hotel about 7:30 and unloaded anything we didn't want to get stolen.  We watched some football, took showers, and went to bed.

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