Saturday, March 7, 2015

Another Quiet Day at the CG

   John got up and did his exercise routine and then we got ready to go out to eat breakfast.  We decided on IHOP because it is very close and we have never eaten at one before as a couple.  We didn't get there until about 10:30 and it was very full!!  We had to wait about 25 minutes to get seated.  But it was worth it... the food was very good and reasonably priced.  We stopped at Walmart on the way back to pick up a few things.  John did some more walking and when he came back he said to me, "sit down, I have something to tell you".  There is a motor home down the road whose car has a PA license plate with a holder that says, Lancaster Nissan.  He has walked by several times but no one was out.  This time they were and they are from Elizabethtown, our neighboring town in PA!  He told them we were going to the pool later, so they said they would join us.  John went to the pool while I did a few chores and then I headed to the pool on my bike.  It felt so good to bicycle again!  Ruth and Paul were already there, so we did our intros and chatted for about 2 hrs.  They were very nice.  They just both retired and are starting their full-timing adventure.  We hope to get together sometime this week.  They left for supper about 4:30 and John and I played the "bully" shuffleboard game from a few days ago.  John beat me badly.  We went back to Harvey to shower and get ready for the movie, "The Theory of Everything" that they were showing in the clubhouse at 7pm.  We had trouble understanding the dialogue because of the English accents, so we left after about 1/2 hour and played shuffleboard instead.  I won both games... no need for a "bully".  We watched a little TV, John went to bed, and I stayed up to work on my blog.  And, oh yes, we forgot to turn the clocks ahead!!  Sorry, no pictures today.

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