Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Relaxing Day at the CG

   We got up this morning and talked about what we wanted to do.  We decided to just stay here today instead of driving somewhere.  It's supposed to be a hot one today, so we will most likely end up at the pool.  I cooked breakfast from last night's dinner leftovers.  John did his walking while I worked on my blog.  I got ready to go to the pool while John emptied all the tanks.  He called Lazy Days where we are going next to get some warranty work done and made a reservation for us to stay there Sunday night so we're right there for our 8:30 am Monday morning scheduled maintenance work.  We were going to stay at our current CG an extra night, but they wanted to charge us almost as much for 1 night as we paid for the whole week with our special deal!  No thanks!!   Then we spent some time talking with the neighbors.  They wanted to see our sharks teeth.  She apparently has a very pretty shark tooth bracelet (which she didn't bring along).  She said each tooth is wire-wrapped onto a chain.  Hey, Bonnie, that's right up your alley.  Maybe you can create a new item to sell.  You may gladly practice on me!!!  He had 2 very large teeth, 2 inches long, that were wire wrapped as pendants.  He paid $35 for the pair.  We shared shell finds also and when I mentioned one of my favorites, baby ears, she said I can find them at the beach in Ft. Desoto State Park about 30 minutes north of here.  So, guess what... we're headed there tomorrow!  We walked over to the pool, yes, I walked, the first distance I've walked since my hip surgery and stress fracture, and it went well.  (I did wear my new brace on the way there but not on the way back).  I did some exercises in the pool and then we both sat in the hot tub for a while.  We both did some reading and then got back in the pool and chatted a while with a gentleman from Scranton.  We left the pool about 5:00 and played 2 games of shuffleboard.  John won both but at least it wasn't a landslide this time even though he did push me into the minus 10 several times.  We came back to Harvey and Kylie, took showers and ordered from Sonny's Barbecue.  We're going to eat during The Voice.  John took a walk while I finished watching The Voice.  Those battle rounds are so competitive and good!  I don't always agree with the winner, but most of the losers have been stolen.  (you won't have any idea what I'm talking about unless you watch the show). By the way, Sonny's was delicious, as always.  Right after the show, we went to bed.  Sorry, no pictures today but check out the homemade clothes line pix I added to Sunday's blog.

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