Friday, March 13, 2015

Lazy Day in the CG Today

   I had trouble getting out of bed today... my acid reflux had me up a couple of times during the night.  Do you think the pizza buffet had anything to do with it?!?!?  By the time I rolled out at 9:00 John had already done his walking!  My sweetie had gotten breakfast ready, too.  What a guy!  I apologized for being such a slug and we discussed what to do today.  Because the practice for the Karaoke was for 3:00 we thought it would be best just to hang around here today.  I still needed to finish my blogs and since our data is almost gone we decided to hang out at the pool where I could connect to the CG internet.  I cooked some chicken and made chicken salad and then we headed for the pool.  I sat at a table in the shade working on the computer while John lounged around the pool and did some swimming.  It was really glorious in the shade because there was a slight breeze which was very cooling!  At 3:00 I headed to the clubhouse for karaoke practice.  There were about 8 of us there so we practiced in rotation.  I practiced 4 songs in case each person gets to do more than 1.  The guy in charge said he thinks we might each get to do 4 but I have my doubts about that.  There were some really good singers at practice including the man and woman running the karaoke!  It should be a good show.  I left practice about 5:00 and found John in the fitness room on the treadmill.  We decided to play some shuffleboard.  It was so darn hot and just when I was winning the 2nd game 68-34 it started to drop big raindrops and a big olé mean cloud was overhead. We high tailed it back to Harvey!  We had some leftovers for supper and then both rode down to the shuffleboard courts again to play the bully from our match before the rain.  Yea...I finally won a match.  Then we decided to have a  grand championship match because we probably won't get to play anymore before we get home.  John took it in 2 close games... well, the first one was close... and at least I had a positive score in the 2nd game!!  We came back and I called my mother.  All is well back in Elizabethtown, PA.  We watched some TV and went to bed.  Sorry, no pix today.

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