Thursday, March 19, 2015

Doing Some Entertaining Today

   Before we went to the café for breakfast we checked with RJ to see if the motor for our windshield blind came in yet and when to expect service.  It's not here yet but should be by tomorrow.  He wasn't sure whether we will have to bring it in to the service bay or whether they can install it on our site.  We'll have to wait and see.  We had breakfast and went to the on site store to buy a short fresh water hose.  The one we already have is 50' long and often cumbersome when you only need a small one to hook up.  Then we went back to the rig to do some cleaning up and food prep for dinner.  We invited Katie and Mike for dinner tonight about 5:30.  I actually needed to go back to Publix for some more meat, lettuce, pound cake and bread since this was kind of impromptu.  So John did some work outside while I got the salad, green beans, and dessert ready.  Then I did a little cleaning and by then it was lunch time.  These free breakfast and lunch tix are nice, but it puts us on a schedule we're not used to.   John took a nap when we got back and I went to Publix.  Then he went down to the educational center at 3:00 to take a Q and A class on maintaining your RV.  I got the spare ribs ready to marinate, vacuumed and set the table.  Just as John was getting the grill out it started to pour!  It had been threatening all day with bouts of sun and clouds, but we really didn't expect a cloud burst.  Katie and Mike arrived right on time at 5:30 and we were eating by 6:00.  Just as Mike was finishing his meal he said that he wasn't feeling well and he thought he was going to pass out.  And pass out he did!!  He came to after a minute or so and seemed ok except for some sweating and, of course, looking pale.  He didn't have any pain and was breathing just fine.  We asked him if he wanted us to call 911 but he said he just wanted to go home and rest.  Katie wanted to drive him to a nearby hospital, but he didn't want to go.  We helped get him to the car and encouraged Katie to take him right to the hospital.  John drove over to their rig to get Katie's purse and take their dogs, Sadie, an apricot toy poodle and Fancy, a small black and white Lasa out to go potty.  Katie continued to communicate with us through texts and let us know that the hospital decided to keep Mike overnight to do more tests tomorrow.  He had 2 more episodes of light headedness in the hospital.  We continued to let the dogs out through the evening.  We had the dessert I had prepared and then played some Hand and Foot but I got so far ahead after the 2nd round that we decided to discontinue the game.  We were both pretty tired so we went over to Katie and Mike's rig one more time to take the dogs out, feed them,  and close up the rig and then went to bed.

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