Thursday, March 26, 2015

Jekyll Island...Here We Come!!

   We got up early today so we could get to Jekyll before the rain comes.  We had breakfast, packed lunches and snacks and we were out the door by 9:10.  I put my bathing suit under my clothes, but John just dressed in shorts and a short sleeved shirt.  We did take sweatshirts, just in case it was cool by the water.   It was a bit foggy and very overcast even after we arrived at Jekyll at about 10:15.  
We were so excited to see the beautiful entrance
to Jekyll again.  We love it here!!

This is the walkway onto South Beach.

The thistles are flowering here already much to
the bumblebee's delight!

Look at the thick stem on this huge thistle!!!

We were the only people there with chairs!
It wasn't very hard to pick our spot!

My cane and thermos look a bit lonely, huh?!?
  But after about a half an hour it cleared up, the sun came out, and I was able to change into my shorts.  John took a long walk down the beach looking for his conch shells and I scoured the nearby shallow water and surf for whatever I could find.  It was hard to see the bottom because the water was dirty and the surf was covered with jellyfish and other weird stuff.
Most of the jellyfish were shaped weird and had
a hard rubber make-up (I pushed on them with my cane).  The doppled brown ball at the top was squishy and bounced across the ridges
in the sand.  Maybe someone can help identify it.
These were more traditional jellyfish.  I think they were dead.

This was hard like plastic when I pushed on it with my cane.
It was about 6 inches in diameter.  I have no idea what it is...HELP!
  I only found a couple of small shells.  When John got back he had 4 nice conch shells.  He said he had found a bunch more, but they all had "critters" in them, so he put them back.
John thinks "all the old ladies got to the beach
early and picked up all the good ones."
  He also saw a bunch of dolphins gathered in an inlet, but he didn'
t have his camera with him to take pictures, darn it.  We did some reading and had our lunch and it started to sprinkle.  It didn't last long, but it got rather chilly and very, very cloudy.  John started out for another walk in the other direction but it started to rain again.  I was so glad he came back because by now I was wrapped in towels and my sweatshirt.  I even had my hood up!  We were forced to leave at about 2:00.  We were bummed because we really wanted to spend the whole day there.  Oh, well, we'll be back for the whole month of October next year.  When we got back to Harvey and Kylie we both took naps.  We had leftovers for supper and then John went to the gym while I worked on my blog.  It rained hard most of the evening and we even had some thunder.  I oiled all my shells and we went to bed about 10:30.  It's supposed to rain most of the day tomorrow, too, so I'm not sure what are plans are.

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