Saturday, March 21, 2015

Moving Day...Sad to be Leaving Florida

   We got up early to start all the prepping to move today.  John got most of the outside stuff done while I put most of the inside stuff away.  We left for breakfast about 8:50.  We were to meet Katie and Mike after 9:00 in the café.  They arrived about 9:25 and we had just finished.  So we sat and chatted with them until they were done.  We said our goodbyes and headed back to Harvey to complete our chores.  We hooked up the Jeep and were on the road by 10:45.  We had about a 4 and 1/2 hr drive to King's Bay, GA which is just over the Florida line.  The trip went well until we got close to Disney world.  We lost about a half hour in that traffic.  But it didn't rattle John at all.  He really does enjoy driving Harvey around!
The happy captain behind the wheel
  Right after we got onto I-95 we stopped at a Love's gas station to get some lunch at Arbys.  The people at the next table left most of a roast beef sandwich behind, so I grabbed the meat to give to Kylie for a treat.  (Hey, it is fair game when someone leaves it!)  She has been so good on this trip!  She was a happy little (I use that term loosely) girl when I put that roast beef in her dish! 
She was exhausted after eating all that roast beef!
She was sitting right next to her mommy's feet, as usual.
Ok...back on the road... Georgia here we come.  Just after getting into GA we stopped to get Harvey a drink...he was very thirsty!  Gas was $2.25, a little more expensive than some gas stations nearby, but this one was much more RV friendly for getting into and leaving!!  We arrived at King's Bay about 5:00 and were all set up by 5:45.  We walked the dog and set up the TV's and decided to go out to eat Italian at Angelo's.  It was ok.  When we came back John sat outside and watched some TV while I worked on the blog.  It's 10:45 now and we're going to bed.  Hopefully, we can go to Fernandino beach tomorrow, but there is a threat of rain in the afternoon.  We're going through beach withdrawal

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