Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Moving Day to North Carolina

   We got up early to finish preparing for our trip to Forest Lake RV park in Advance, NC.  It will be our last stay at a park before leaving for home to PA on Friday.  John took our small load of dirty clothes down to the laundry while I cooked some leftovers for breakfast.  We ate, loaded up the Jeep and headed down to the office to fill up the propane tank.  Then we pulled in to the gas station on base to put air in Harvey's tires, but it didn't go up to 90 lbs.  So we hooked up the Jeep and off we went.  It was about 9:45 by now.  We had an 8 and 1/2hr trip ahead of us, so we were glad to be on the road.  We stopped about 4 and 1/2hrs into the trip... just over the SC line.  We let Kylie out to go potty, got a bite to eat, gassed up Harvey (for $2.09/gal), put air in his tires and washed his windshield.  We were there a little longer than we wanted to be, but it felt good to be out of Harvey for a while.  We got back on the road and got into a traffic jam around Charlotte.  We lost about 20 minutes and it was stressful for John, but he handled it very well!  We arrived at the CG at about 6:30 and were all set-up by 7:15.  We're getting pretty good at this!   We had some supper while I watched The Voice and John watched TV outside.  He came in about 8:45 because it was getting chilly.  He played on the computer for a while and I watched "Undateable" a new comedy show on NBC.  It was silly, but funny for the most part.  Some of the humor was a little questionable for an old fogie like me.  John was exhausted so he went to bed.  I worked on catching up on my blogs while watching an old movie, "The Three Faces of Eve".  I finished up about 1:00 and went to bed.  We'll explore the CG tomorrow.

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