Sunday, March 8, 2015

Hung Around the CG Today

   We didn't make any plans for today because the weather was to be a bit "iffy".  But it turned out to be beautiful, sunny with a bit of a breeze and about 76 degrees.  Because we forgot to turn the clocks I didn't get out of bed till about 9:30, but I also wasn't feeling well.  Had a headache, felt nauseous, and had a gut ache.  I did a few exercises in bed while John was walking.  I got up, had some breakfast, got dressed and decided to go outside for a while.  I talked with TW and Arlene and found out that Bennett  cracked his head open while he was visiting with his other grandma in Wisconsin.  He had the staples removed yesterday.  The little brat wouldn't talk to me.  John got back and the movie "Seabiscuit was on, so we watched that on the TV on the outside of Harvey.  I also "borrowed" our neighbor's homemade drying rack that hangs on the back ladder so I could take measurements.  (I had his permission).  I want to try to make one when we get home.  Hey, as a kid I was Daddy's girl.  He was a carpenter and I hung out with him a lot.  I've always enjoyed building things!  After the movie we decided to go to the pool because, luckily, I was feeling better.  Then we played 2 games of shuffleboard and John clobbered me!!  The bugs were biting so we left and came back for supper.  John grilled steaks... they were yummy!  Then we headed to Dairy Queen for blizzards.  They were so good!  Got back and watched some TV and I caught up on my blogging.  We probably won't be up too late because of the time change.  We're hoping to go to Manasota beach tomorrow if weather permits.  I hope to add a picture of the drying rack so not only can you see it, but I'll have a reference when I attempt to make it!
The drying rack I promised to post
Doesn't look too hard...
...I think I can, I think I can!!


  1. Sounds like your day was a lot like ours. Sometimes it is just good to stay close to the "motorhome"!

  2. Sounds like your day was very similar to ours! Sometimes it is just good to stay at the "motorhome"!

  3. Sounds like your day was very similar to ours! Sometimes it is just good to stay at the "motorhome"!
