Monday, March 16, 2015

Crunch time with the Service Dept

   We got up early and got showers so we could have Harvey over in the service depth parking lot by 8:15.  After checking in we met with RJ, our service tech at about 8:40.  We went out to the rig to go over all our issues and he told us that according to his paperwork our warranty had run out on 2/10/15 so most of our work wouldn't be covered.  That was the date we bought the rig but we were told last year that our warranty would not begin until the day we drove it off the lot which was 4/25/14!  Not only that, but any repairs that had been sent in to the warranty company after we bought it were only good for 90 days anyway, and they have to be resubmitted.  We were quite upset because we would have planned a stop here on our way down to Florida at the beginning of our trip, but no one had given us any of this info!  So we decided we might as well just wait until we get home and have it done locally if we have to pay for it anyway.  He offered to try to get the repairs authorized but didn't give us much hope.  And we didn't want to wait around for that process to get done if it wasn't approved anyway.  So we went inside and RJ made some phone calls.  Luckily, he found out that Fleetwood did indeed have our warranty beginning on 4/25/14 so it was still valid.  He was going to start the warranty process and let us know how long we could expect to be here or at least what they could get done before we had to leave on Saturday.  John called the CG we're going to on Sat. to see if we could get in earlier in case there was no need for us to stay at Lazy Days, but they had no open sites until Sat.  So we started to brainstorm while eating our free breakfast and decided go talk to our original sales person, Phil.  He was so embarrassed by what we were going thru and offered to help us in anyway possible including keeping Kylie in his office so we could go to the beach or somewhere else and not have to wait around the CG for word from the service depth that they needed to pull our rig in for service!  We decided to get only the absolutely necessary and easy things fixed which should only take 5 days at the most.  Phil gave us vouchers for 2 free nights in the CG assured us we would be taken care of and if not they had him to answer to.  We met with RJ again and told him our plan and signed the necessary paperwork. Then we went out to the rig to get Kylie and bring her into the waiting area of the service dept.  We were there for about an hour and were chatting with a couple sitting next to us, Katy and Mike from Chattanooga, Tennessee.  She was planning on going to the Hard
Rock Café Casino just a couple of miles down the road and asked if I wanted to go along.  John wanted to take one of the classes Lazy Days was offering at 1:00, so he told me to go.  We used the free lunch tickets Phil had given us and after we ate Katy and I took off for the casino.  Mike and his 2 dogs and John and Kylie went into the class.  We had a good time at the casino, but stayed about an hour and a half longer than originally planned.  So after battling the slot machines and trying to locate my cane which I had left standing somewhere we finally left at 5:00.  It was a lot of fun and Katy was a hoot.  And guess what...I finally left a casino with quite a bit more money above and beyond what I came with!  It must have been because of the shiny new penny I put in my pocket for luck.  By the time we got back, Harvey had already been serviced(except for the part they have to order), John made our reservations and he was setting up in the CG!  When we got done with that we went for supper at Cracker Barrel.  Then John went to the pool to use the hot tub so he could destress (is that a word?) and I worked on my blog and watched The Voice.  Katy called and asked if we wanted to go to a Phillies game tomorrow because she had 4 free tickets.  She is a personal friend of the hitting coach, Sal Rende(sp?).  I asked John when he got back and I called Katy and told her we would go.  Wow... We hardly know these people and already we're
spending 2 half days with them.  Welcome to the world of RVing!!  John watched TV in the bedroom and fell asleep before I came in after my show.  The day started out very stressful but all was well at the end of the day... yet another blessing!!!  We never did get the camera out today, sorry.

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