Friday, October 16, 2015

A Perfect Beach Day on Jekyll Island

   John slept in a bit today, so he didn't get back from his walk until 9:00.  I was just climbing out of bed.  It was gorgeous outside... in the mid 70's, no humidity, and a slight breeze.   We have plans to go to the Golden Isle CG for their shrimp/catfish buffet today, so we didn't eat any breakfast.  We decided to be there by the 11:00 start, so we could get as much time on the beach as possible.  We are going to "game night" at the Baptist minister's house at 6:30 tonight so we'll have to leave the beach by 4:30.  We were told to bring a snack to game night, so I mixed up a fruit dip to use with pretzel shaped graham crackers I had brought from home. The vet called to see how Kylie is doing and I was happy to report that she seemed much better even before her new meds kicked in!  We changed into our suits and clothes and were off to the CG for lunch at 10:40.  I ate so much shrimp, I'm surprised I didn't turn pink like flamingos do :)   Then we headed out to Great Dunes beach.  John went walking while I read my book.  He was gone for a LONG time (he had to make up for yesterday)!  When he got back he had a sand dollar and 3 sharks teeth! Then I walked the beach for a while looking for some larger sand dollars.  I found 6.
Didn't pick up any of the really small sand dollars today.
These are 2 of the 3 sharks teeth John found today farther
up the beach...I dropped one down the drain by accident
when we got back... yikes!!
  Then I noticed a crowd gathering farther down the beach and found out there was going to be a turtle release today from the turtle rescue/hospital here on the island.  We got to see one last year, so I wasn't too interested.  But I found out they were releasing 3 small ones and 2 bigger ones, so I hung around.  John came down flying the kite I bought him in OCMD.
It's a poisoned dart tongued frog.  Sorry, it's a little blur.
  By the time I got over to the release the crowd was so big I couldn't really see very well.  I only managed to get a picture of one of the signs they made for the first turtle being released :(
That's the 1st turtle on the bottom left that they released.
   It was time to leave, so I went back to our spot and found John fast asleep.  The poor guy was so tired from walking so much! 
Good snooze, huh!?!  Well, deserved!
We got back to Harvey and showered.  John ate a sandwich and I had 2 hard boiled eggs.  Kylie still seems to be doing better.  We left for the pastor's house and when we got there he was grilling hot dogs!  There was all kinds of food set up on tables in the garage.  So much for just snacks!!  There were about 18 people there.  John and I played at one of the tables that was playing Phase 10.  We had a blast!  The pastor was at our table and he was a hoot!  John won...I think he must have cheated :)  Everyone there was so nice.  We were so glad we went... it was so much fun!  They invited us back next week. When we got back I called my Frogette friends.  They were meeting at Jane's house tonight for our monthly get together and I just needed to feel like a part of it.  It was good to talk with all of them since being together at OCMD!  John went to bed about 11:00 and I stayed up to finish my blog AND I got hooked on "Dirty Dancing", so it took me twice as long to finish!!  I finally went to bed at 2:00.

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