Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Finally a Beach Day!

   John got up and did his walking, but he still couldn't use his regular route due to flooding.  When he got back at 9:00 I was still in bed.  I really didn't sleep well last night... maybe the rain kept me restless.  I watched some TV and did some of my prayers and exercises.  John was outside doing some pre-departure work and at about 10:15 he opened the outside door and asked if I was dressed yet cause he could use my help.  I was still in bed so I high-tailed it out and by the time I was dressed he yelled in that he didn't need me after all.  But I went out anyway to help.  He had already taken the sides off of the screen house and washed off the bottoms.  He had also lowered the frame and washed off the roof.  He also washed the gray rug that we use in addition to the big brown rug.  He had gotten a lot done while I was being lazy.  I felt bad about that.  Oh, and by the way, we decided that our small 4 ft. rectangular folding table will work inside the screen house, so we're not going to get the folding round table for now.  We finished outside and I came in to eat breakfast.  A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.  It was the Vicki and Paul from Manheim.  They wanted to swap info so we could stay in contact.  We chatted for about a half hour.  They are really nice people and we hope to get together after we get home.  One thing about the camping lifestyle... you sure meet a lot of nice people!!  I finished my breakfast and the sun came out!!  YIPPEE... let's get to the beach.  They were calling for thunderstorms around 3:00, so that gave us about 3 hours.  That will work!!  We went to the main beach but stayed to the CG end of it for something different.  It was beautiful... about 78 degrees and a moderate breeze.  John went walking and I started a new book by Max Lucado, "You Will Get Through This".  I read 3 chapters and decided to do some searching for shells/sand dollars.  I wasn't finding anything by the water, so I went up toward the shoreline and, low and behold, there was a large white baby ear shell laying on the beach.  I was one happy camper!!  Later I found either a stingray barb or a horseshoe crab tail.  I'm not sure which one it is.  I met up with John and he had found a medium size conch shell. 
We pretty much had the beach to ourselves!
There's today's treasures.
Some of the clouds were real wispy...
They looked like feathers.
Others looked like a horizon with snow covered
mountain tops in the background!
We walked back to our chairs and I did some more reading while John took a nap.  A barking dog woke him up just in time for us to realize that storm clouds were rolling in and we better high-tail it out of there.  It was right around 3:00 like the forecast said.  When we got back we folded the sides and the roof of the screen house and brought the gray rug in under the awning to finish drying.  Just as we got done it started to rain.  Our timing was perfect!  We went inside and John  said, "OK...what will it be?"  He was challenging me to a game.  We picked the word game, "Upwards" and he creamed me!!  We had supper, John got a shower and then challenged me to "Hand and Foot".  He got pretty far ahead, but I won the last round and almost beat him.  At least it was respectable!  Then we took a walk around the CG.  We figured out next Fall's camping schedule and watched the World Series the rest of the evening.  Then we went to bed.  John fell asleep by 11:00 and I stayed awake to work on the blog. I got done about midnight, played some "Word Twist" and went nighty-night.

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