Saturday, October 24, 2015

Spent a Relaxing Day in the CG Today!

   I woke up at 9:00!  John was still out walking.  He got back about 9:30.  I finally crawled out of bed at 10:30 after watching several episodes of Fixer Upper on HGTV.  We had breakfast, then I got a shower while John took our dirty clothes down to the laundry.  I put all my shells away and did the dishes, and John went back down to the laundry to switch the clean clothes over to the dryers.  When he got back he did some cleaning up outside while I attempted to "fix my face".  I know what you're thinking..."that must have taken a while". Ha! Ha!  We both went down to the laundry to fold the wash.  After we put the laundry away we got in the Jeep and headed to Walmart to pick up the screen house we ordered.  When we got back it was a little after 3:00 and we wanted to set it up to watch the Penn State/Maryland game at 3:30.  We had lots of time because it is it supposed to take just 3 minutes to set up.  Yeah... right!!  Just as we started the LoPiccolo's (the couple from Manheim) walked by.  They stopped to chat and helped us with the set up.  It took 4 of us about 30 minutes to do it, but it was pretty easy.  It shouldn't take us as long next time!!  We love it.  It suits our needs very well.  I'll get a picture for you tomorrow.  But the table that took us so long to pick up at Camping World yesterday is another story.  It was defective... impossible to put together.  No, really, 2 of the pieces were on the frame backwards, there was no way to assemble it.  You thought it was just us, didn't you?!?  So that will go back Monday or Tuesday and we'll look at some other ones.  I made lunch and we ate and watched the game while inside the screen house.  It was delightful not to be bothered by the bugs/mosquitos!!  The game was a nail biter, but I'm happy to report that Penn State pulled it out... somehow.  Score was 31-30.  WHEW!!  Then we took Kylie for a walk down to the laundry, because I had mentioned how badly she needs a bath and John said he saw a laundry tub outside the back.  We wanted to check if it had hot water.  It does, so guess who will be getting a much needed bath!!  We spent the rest of the evening inside Harvey watching more college football, checking our bills/budget for next month and working on the blog.  Sorry, no pictures today.  John didn't see anything during his walk and we didn't go anywhere exciting enough to take any. 

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