Monday, October 12, 2015

Bugs Cut Our Beach Day Short!

   John got up early went out walking.  He took some great sunrise pictures on Driftwood Beach.
  I got up about 8:30.  We had breakfast and checked the tide schedule.  Low tide wasn't until 3:45, so we decided to wait until about 11:00 to head to the beach.  We went to St. Andrews beach on the far southern tip if the island.  A lot of people go shrimping there and it draws dolphins. 
There were actually 2 dolphins hanging around.
Shelling is supposed to be better there, too.  We set up our chairs and immediately started looking for shells.  John went around the one corner and saw a fish jump out of the water, only to realize that when he saw it again, there was a SHARK attached to the fish.  He thought the shark was 4 or 5 feet long.  So we started looking for sharks teeth, but didn't find any.  John went for a long walk and I continued to look for shells.  He found 4 or 5 conch shells and I found 3.
John walking down towards South Beach through the driftwood.

This is an ENTIRE tree still rooted but dead.  The
roots and trunk are real smooth from the water at high tide.

Yeah, I know these are just sea gulls, but I found it interesting
that there was just ONE different bird in the center of them all.

Here he is the Grand Tern up close.  His beak is such a brilliant orange!
  I sat for about a half hour and then John came back.
This Great Egret posed for me...

...and so did this Ibis.
  About a half hour later the flies and no see ums started to invade.  So at 2:30 we left.  It was starting to get cloudy anyway.
This is a monument in St. Andrews Park in honor of the
many slaves that were illegally shipped from Africa in the
early 1800's on "The Wanderer" slave ship owned by the 2 men who owned
Jekyll Island.  They and many other accomplices were tried and acquitted.

The ship started out as a luxury yacht and then was sold to a man
who used it for illegal slave transportation.  After being seized by the
government it was sold several times, stolen and finally sailed
into a storm, was grounded and sunk.  It was only 14 yrs old!
  We went back to Harvey and got showers.  John took a short nap while I played Word Twist.  We watched a little TV and then decided to go to Sonny's Bar-B-Q for supper.  We also had to go to Walmart to pick up a few things.  I called Bonnie on the way.  I was afraid that she was sick or something because she hasn't published a blog post since Friday!  Luckily, she is fine just very busy hiking and bike riding and too tired to blog.  We got back home about 8:15 and then Skyped with TW, Arlena, and Bennett.  It was really good to "see" them and talk with them!  Arlena's belly is getting pretty big as she is carrying twins as a surrogate for a couple in
Connecticut.  She's due around Christmas.  I watched The Voice in the living room while John watched TV in the bedroom.  We went to bed about 11:00. 


  1. Thanks for your concern. You can check the blog now as it is current. I can hardly wait to go to Sonny's. Back in Hershey until Friday. It will be a busy 2 1/2 days. Have fun. Love, sis

  2. Thanks for your concern. You can check the blog now as it is current. I can hardly wait to go to Sonny's. Back in Hershey until Friday. It will be a busy 2 1/2 days. Have fun. Love, sis

  3. Wow, those sunrise pics are beautiful!! Good job, John!!
