Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Finally a GRAND Beach Day at Fernandina!

   When I woke up this morning at 8:15 John was still in bed!  I guess all the walking has worn him out.  I cooked some eggs for breakfast and then we discussed what we wanted to do today.  Since I've been such a good girl, John said he would take me to Fernandina Beach in Florida, near Jacksonville.  It's about an hour and a half drive but worth it because that's where I find my beloved "baby ear" shells.  It's a great beach to walk, too, so John planned on getting his walking in there.  We packed lunches and snacks and left about 10:30. We arrived at the beach at 12:30 (we had taken a wrong turn).  It's a shell pickers dream because the beach is just loaded with piles of shells.

Note that the reddish brown color on the left hand
side of the photo is all piles of shells!
It was a beautiful day on the beach!!
More shells laying on the beach!
  Most of them are real small, but there are many auger and olive shells mixed in.  And, of course, my baby ears!  We also heard that there are sharks teeth, and Holy Cow, I got off my chair, walked down toward the water and found a pretty big one just laying on top of a pile of small shells.  That was the only one I found all day!  The next 2 hours I concentrated on baby ears and John walked.  I have to concentrate on one kind at a time in order to find them.  Is that a sign I'm getting older and can't multi-task anymore??  I found about 12 of them.  Then we ate our lunch.  John headed to the other end of the beach to walk and I continued my search for baby ears.  At about 5:00 I gave myself 15 more minutes to find 2 more.  I found 10!!  John came back with 3 beautiful sand dollars.
I love the flower like design in the middle of the sand dollar!
I also like the brown color, but I will probably bleach them.

This was my haul from the day.  I had a blast!!
Note the sharks tooth in the bottom middle.
The "baby ears" are at the top.

These are my beloved "baby ears"
  We left at 5:30 after having a wonderful day. The temperature was 83 and there was a slight breeze and just enough clouds to give a break from the sun now and then.  John got in 18,000 steps!!  I called Dad on he way home and he sounded real good.  He did fall
Sat or Sun night, however, he would say he didn't really fall... his knees just wouldn't hold him up and he went down.  He didn't hurt himself except for a scrape on his elbow from his mattress.  Luckily, his nurse was just walking into the room when it happened!  He said he might get braces for his knees.  Hopefully, they will help to hold up his weight better than on his own, and maybe he won't "fall" as often.  He also told me Mom had a brain scan today because of some slurred speech and memory losses.  Don't know how long it will take for results.  We got back to Harvey about 7:30.  While I prepared Naan bread pizzas, John took a load of towels down to the laundry (the sea gulls pooped on my towel twice!).  We watched a show on Public TV about Mary Tyler Moore while we ate and then I watched The Voice.  John watched TV in the bedroom.  I worked on my blog and then we went to bed.

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