Thursday, October 22, 2015

Another Beautiful Day at Fernandina Beach in Florida

    When I got up at 8:00 John was already out walking.  When he got back we had some breakfast and then got changed into our beach garb.  John called to get reservations on the Ferry at St. Marys to go over to Cumberland Island tomorrow.  We wanted to leave for Fernandina Beach by 9:30 and we did!!  We got there at about 11:00 and the tide was just starting to come back in.  I had to work fast!!
I love this beach!  It's so beautiful!
The water is warm and clean!
The breeze helped make good waves for this surfer.

  I was mostly looking for my "baby ears" and it started out very slow!  But I got "zoned in" and started finding them.  I also found some olive, tiger eye, and turkey wing shells, and some other asst. ones.  I even found a piece of sea glass and a dime!!  My best find was a 5 and 1/2 inch by 4 and 1/2 conch shell. 
Before mineral oil...

...after mineral oil.  Makes quite a difference!
John found a couple sand dollars.  Believe it or not, but the first I sat on my chair was 3:00.  I just never get tired of looking for shells!!  John did a lot of walking, too.  He was tired.
Poor guy needed a nap after all that walking!

Finally got to rest my "pigs"
  We called the Camping World in Jacksonville to see if they had the 32 inch square aluminum folding table that we saw on line.  They had 2, so we decided to drive down to look at them.  We left about 3:30.  They were open until 6:00, so we had plenty of time... so we thought.  We passed a Target on the way, so we stopped there to look at the round poly resin one I scoped out the day I went shopping.  I wanted John to see it before we went to Camping World.  John put Camping World of Jacksonville, Florida in the GPS and off we went.  There was a billboard on I-95 that said to take Exit 368B.  When we got to Exit 357 "Bonnie", our GPS had us get off there.  I told John the billboard said 368B, but John really likes to listen to his GPS.  His thinking is that she knows the faster route and we were traveling in rush hour.  So how could I argue with that?!?  Well, 15 miles later we arrived at our destination, except there was no Camping World there!!  By now it was 5:30.  We put the actual address in and it took us right back onto I-95 and said we should arrive at 5:50.  I swear that from that point on we hit every light, fender bender and traffic jam possible.  We got real close and then got behind a car with one of those temporary spare tires on it that was being escorted by a pick up with its flashers on.  Give me a break!!  By the grace of God we arrived with about 3 minutes to spare.  There was no way we were leaving without that table.  Hope we like it as much as all the people who gave it rave reviews!!!  All right, I can't blame John completely.  The cashier told us that our GPS took us to their old location.  But I still had to give John the business and remind him of the billboard that we should have followed.  One for the old lady...YEAH!!!  We stopped at Zaxby's on the way home to get some chicken.  Poor Kylie was probably sitting with her legs crossed... we had been gone almost 10 hours!!  Kylie had done great... no accidents.  We ate supper and then got showers.  I got some chicken out of the freezer to cook to make some chicken salad.  Our friend, Joyce Hershey from Church called and we chatted for about a half hour.  John had put the chicken on the stove while Joyce and I were talking.  We watched some football while I was waiting for the cooked chicken to cool.  I started cutting up veggies for the chicken salad and for the soup I was going to make with the broth.  John went to bed about 10:30.  I finished up the chicken salad, did the dishes and went to bed at 11:30.  It was a really fun day, even with the Camping world detour!!


  1. ever since you told Cooper you made soup, he keeps asking me if you are still in georgia and when you come home, are you making him noodle..... and chicken soup at our house.
