Monday, October 19, 2015

Sun's Out, but Cool, Windy Day on Jekyll

   We both got up at about 8:00 this morning.  It was very windy, so we took the lights off the awning and rolled it in.  John wanted to walk, so I told him I would have breakfast ready for us when he got back. I knew he would be at least an hour and a half and I told him to call when he was about a half hour out, so I had some time to just veg and watch some HGTV home make-overs.  Love those shows!!  I decided to make pumpkin pancakes and bacon, so I got things ready to go and waited for his call.  My timing was perfect but the first batch of pancakes were not...I had the batter too thick.  But all ended well and they were delicious, if I do say so myself.
An egret and a Roseate Spoon Bill coming in for a landing.
There he is... one Roseate Spoon Bill.
Two Roseate Spoon Bills.
Three Roseate Spoon Bills.
This is the one on the lower branch.
  It was too windy to go to the beach, Harvey needed a good cleaning and there was some laundry to do.  So I sorted the wash and went down to the laundry.  By the time I got done with that, John had all the dusting done.  What a guy!!  I washed my bathroom floor and then headed back down to the laundry to put the clothes in the dryer.  The couple from Manheim was there, so we chatted for a while.  Vicki invited me to a dish towel/cloth sale that her friend, Lynn was hosting at 1:00.  We had met Lynn and her husband, Jack last week.  He was the one we talked to about a screen house.  All the proceeds from the sale were going to the Humane League.  When I got back to Harvey I heard the vacuum cleaner going.  Thanks, Honey!!  I washed the kitchen floor (John had already done his bathroom floor), and then I cleaned up outside.  The wind left all kinds of debris on our chairs and rug especially since we had rolled the awning in.  Time to go back over to the laundry to fold the dry wash.  It was about 1:20 when I got back, so after John and I put the laundry away I went over to the dish towel sale.  There were about 15 women there and all kinds of refreshments.  Apparently, Lynn loves ANY excuse to bake and entertain!  It was fun and I got to meet a lot of nice people.  I was there for almost an hour and a half!  They ended up with over $220.00!!  John had talked about trying to go to the beach later today, so he changed into his suit ( I didn't) and at 4:00 off we went.  Well, I think it was his worst decision ever!!  John strolled off as soon as we got there.  The water was really choppy and the waves were high.  There were whitecaps way off the surf.
That's John!

It was rough out there!!

The seagull had no clue how brutal it was!  But then
we WERE his only hope for a snack because we
were the ONLY ones there!!
 The sun was warm, but the wind was so strong it knocked his chair over and it slid a foot or so.  I had my hooded sweatshirt on and a towel wrapped around my legs.  Just as I got comfortable the kite John brought along blew off and rolled half way down the beach!  Then when I got back from the rescue, my visor blew off my forehead and I had to retrieve that, too!!  I sat back down and wrapped up and read my book struggling to keep the pages turned.  Just as I was about ready to go wait in the car, John showed up and asked, "Whose idea was this??" So we left.  We were only there for about an hour... an hour too long!!
I took these pictures as we left to show
how much the wind was blowing the grass
but I'm not sure if you can really see it.

  When we got back I made some mac and cheese.  While that was baking John made a fire and we enjoyed that for an hour or so.  Then John grilled pork spare ribs.  Add some veggies and we had a delicious supper!   I watched The Voice and painted my pins while John went to the bedroom and watched football.  We went to bed about 10:30 and, of course, I gave John the business about going to the beach today!!!


  1. Okay, okay,okay. Enough with the rosette spoon bill pictures. We are a bit jealous how you keep seeing them. If you weren't aeare, they are Ken's favorite birds. Looks like you are having a great time but the weather could be more cooperative.

  2. Okay, okay,okay. Enough with the rosette spoon bill pictures. We are a bit jealous how you keep seeing them. If you weren't aeare, they are Ken's favorite birds. Looks like you are having a great time but the weather could be more cooperative.
