Friday, October 2, 2015

Still Raining at Camp Lejeune!!

  It was still pouring when we got up at 8:00 this morning.  The whole area behind Harvey is flooded.  We even had some water come in thru the slide beside our bed, but nothing major, thank goodness!  John made pumpkin pancakes for breakfast... Yum!  When he was putting the syrup away he noticed that the bottoms of our pantry drawers were out of the grooves holding them in.  They were bowed and sagging.  So we decided to take a quick trip to a nearby Home Depot to get some supplies to fix them.  Till we figured out what we needed to fix them and get all the supplies, we were there for about an hour and a half.  Then we went to Walmart to get a few more things.  By now it was time for lunch so we went to Appleby.  It was still raining, but not as hard, so we decided we would go back down to the beach when we got back.  Well, low and behold, by the time we put on our suits the rain had stopped.  It was about 2:30.  John went one way and I went the other.  I found 2 rather large teeth and thought for sure I would win the "contest", but when John met up with me he had found a tooth bigger than mine.  It was 2 inched long and 1 and 1/2 inches wide!  I was jealous.  He went back to Harvey about 5:00 to clean up outside to get ready for our move tomorrow, and I stayed out to keep searching for "the big one". 
Not many people on the beach when we first got here!
But more came when the rain stopped.

Look at all the debris I have to pick through!!
Bye, John, I'll see you in a couple hours.


It was a great day!  More sea glass, bone fragments on
bottom right and a dolphin tooth on bottom left.  The
dolphin tooth is identified by a hollow center.  The upper
left is John's prize Great White Shark tooth 2 x 1-1/2 inches.
This is only about half of what I found today!

Here's the big one up close!
Just as I picked up a large Sand Tiger Shark tooth, it started to pour.
 I figured I was already wet, so I kept searching.  The rain let up, but a few minutes later John showed up with the Jeep to pick me up.  Ahhh, he was concerned about me.  I really didn't want to come in, but I knew I should.  And, besides, it looked like it was going to pour again.  I dried off and made supper.  We decided to wait to fix the pantry drawers until we are settled in at Jekyll tomorrow.  John played on his tablet the rest of the evening while I finally down loaded my pictures and finished my blogs. It has poured several more times during the evening.  He went to bed about 10:30 and I finished about 1:30.  We have an 8 hr trip to Jekyll Island tomorrow, so I better get to bed. 


  1. Loved seeing all your treasures. Good job...looks like a great time. Happy anniversary, safe travels...can't wait to hear about your Jekyll adventures. Ken

  2. Happy belated anniversary! What great treasures you found. We would love to join you there sometime and I am excited about those beautiful shell pieces. Be safe driving today and I know you will love your time at Jekyll. Sis

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