Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Another Great Beach Day!

  John went walking this morning...I slept in.  Do you see a pattern by now?!?!?
He caught a beautiful sunrise!
And some colorful vegetation!
This is part of the walking/biking trail along Great Dunes.
He was planning on walking the 1.5 mile Sydney Lanier Bridge just outside of Jekyll, but once he started it got high pretty fast and it freaked him out.  So he drove back onto the island and walked along the Great Dunes.   I woke up to the clang of pans on the stove.  My honey was cooking breakfast..." hunky eggs".  They were delicious!  We watched some TV and discussed our plans for when we leave here.  We decided to leave here a few days early and spend 3 or 4 nights at Camp Lejeune, NC.  All the shark teeth on Onslow Beach are calling my name!  So John called and made the reservations.  I really think he's doing it mainly for me, because he knows how much I enjoy looking for sharks teeth.  He is just too good to me.  I'm so lucky!!  We got changed into our bathing suits and left for Great Dunes Beach... the main one on Jekyll... about 11:30.
  We hadn't been sitting on the beach too long before for some reason I told John to "go fly a kite," so he did :)) He had bought one at home to bring along!  It was fun.  He can't remember ever flying a kite and it sure has been a long time for me!
"Let's go fly a kite"

Pretty, isn't it!

I got into the action, too.
  He reeled it back in and then went for a walk.  I read my Doris Day autobiography.

I caught this pelican "dive bombing" a fish.  They are fun to watch!!

  When John got back he had 2 handfuls of sand dollars...36 of them to be exact!  He suggested I go hunt for some and I came back with another 3 or 4 dozen.  They were all over the place!  I had a good time!  I think John did, too!
Here's our "catch" for the day... all sizes and colors! 
  John flew his kite again for a short time and then took another walk while I read.  Then we packed up and left about 4:30.  It was another good day at the beach.  When we got back we both got showers and then I fell asleep in John's arms while on the couch.  Awwwwwww!  I awoke about 45 minutes later and then we had leftovers for supper.  I oiled yesterday's shells and cleaned today's sand dollar collection.  John watched TV and, I think, took a little "schnooze" of his own.  They sprayed the CG again tonight for the mosquitoes.  They have been terrible...can't sit outside without a protective screen house.  Even the bug sprays don't work!  We talked about maybe investing in one of those outdoor dining tents, so we can occasionally sit outside.  We haven't eaten outside since we left PA!!   I worked on yesterday's and today's blog for a while.  John went to bed at 10:30.  I'll go as soon as I get done here. I got done at 11:30. 

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