Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Relaxing, Gray Day on Jekyll

  John got up at 6:30 to go for his walk around Jekyll.  He established a route last year when we were here.  A few weeks ago we went to see the movie, "A Walk in the Woods", a true story about a 64yr old author who decided to walk the Appalachian Trail.  So John decided he would try to duplicate that feat by walking 15,000 steps a day, 6 days a week, for one year.  He started about 2 wks ago and is doing great!  I got up at 8:00, we had breakfast, and then packed lunches and headed to the beach.  We called Bennett on the way to wish him a happy 4th birthday, but he didn't want to talk.  It was very overcast and a bit chilly on the beach, but with a sweat shirt and a towel wrapped around my legs, it was comfortable.
It was pretty much just us, a sea gull and a boat out there today!
  John went for a walk up and down each side of the beach and I read a book I had started on OCMD.  He came back with only 1 medium size conch shell and 1 small sand dollar. (better than nothing!) 
I still have to bleach the sand dollar.
The beach is big and beautiful, but kind of boring compared to the beach at Camp LeJeune!  Oh, well, we can catch up on our reading!  We stayed about 2 hrs, came back and ate our lunches, and then I did the laundry.  Good thing, because the laundry will be closed tomorrow and Tuesday, so they can paint it.  Then we decided to take on the pantry project.  We cut and glued and WO-LA... we were done.  Just have to let it dry overnight.  Hope it works!! 
We had to glue all around the groove the shelf fit into
and then glue supports across the bottom.  Hopefully,
we will prove to be geniuses!!  If not, we won't tell you!

We had to do all 3 shelves.
Then we hung our froggie lights and hanging light from the Hershey RV show.  We watched some football and then John grilled pork ribs on the grill.  They were absolutely delicious!!  We took a walk around the CG and checked out the bird preserve.  There were more squirrels than birds!  They were eating all the bird seed that had dropped on the ground.  Then Dairy Queen started calling our name.  We took the longer route there to look for deer.  We saw about had antlers.  They are so pretty!!  DQ no longer has my favorite Blizzard, Choco Cherry Love, listed on their board, but, luckily, I could request it and they still knew how to make it.  WHEW!!  Cooper called and I talked to Heather.  They had gone back up to Dry Run this weekend to pack up some more stuff and attend the open house at the fire house.  Cooper was telling us all about it.  Mom called while I was talking to Cooper, so I returned her call when we got back.  All is well there except for the cold rainy weather.  Michele, TW,
Arlena and Bennett had gone to see them earlier today.  They had a good visit!  John watched some TV while I worked on my blog and then we went to bed.  Tomorrow doesn't look like a good beach day, so we don't know what our plans will be yet.

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