Saturday, October 10, 2015

Rain Again/Football/Pin Making Saturday

   When I got up this morning John was just getting back from his walk.  He did over 135,000 steps this week!  That's over 60 miles and 21 hours!!  I don't see him much.  Actually, that's not true... we see plenty of each other.  That didn't sound right either, did it?!?  He saw a lot of birds this morning.
Beautiful sunrise!
Not quite... it comes!

This is a close up of the Flying Cloud fishing
Boat that is in the background of the first picture.

Looks like "Fall" over the marsh, doesn't it!

White Heron, I think.

These are Ibis...funny beaks, huh?!?

I think these are egrets.  (I need to brush up on my birds!)

Caught them in the trees, too.
This is a rose colored Spoon Bill
Love the vivid pink color!!

Some of the runners in the 10K Half Marathon on the Island this morning.

  We talked about going to the Arts and Craft Festival on St Simons Island today, but the weather forecast doesn't sound good.  As a matter of fact, shortly after we discussed it, it started to rain.  So we played a game of "Nerts"...I won!  It rained for a while and then the sun came out.  But not for long... it started raining again.  So I decided to work on my pins because I have a show at Hershey a few days after we get home.
These are magnetic made from necklaces, bracelets, and rings.
Don't have to put holes on your scarves or lapels!
  John downloaded a new book he wanted to read, so we kept Harvey and Kylie company most of the day. 
Kylie looks relaxed, too, doesn't she?!?
I talked with Michele.  She was on her way to Boca Raton, Florida to teach a class at the Keratin Academy.  She won't be home until Tuesday.  She's having a whole lot of remodeling done at her house which should be about done when she gets back.  I can hardly wait to see it all when we get home.  We watched the Penn State/Indiana game and then the Tennessee/Georgia game.  The rain stopped for good and the sun came out halfway through the 1st half of the Tennessee game, so we went outside to watch it.  John went in at halftime to prepare salads and baked potatoes for supper.  About the beginning of the 4th quarter he grilled steaks and we ate while watching the end of the game.  It was a nail-biter!  I called Ken just near the end of the game to see how Chuck was doing (he and Melissa are avid Tennessee fans), but Ken said he tapes the games and watches them later.  Ken stayed on the phone with me until the game was over (they can't get TV in their CG).  I don't know how Ken will be able to keep the results of the game a secret when they get together tonight to play cards!  After our DELICIOUS supper we went for a 3 mile bike ride.  I know it's not very far, but it was about all our bottoms could take.  And, besides, John had already showered and he didn't' want to get all sweaty.  We passed a group of people who had been on the Driftwood Beach for a wedding.  When we got back we took a walk down to the bird sanctuary and then watched some more football outside, but the bugs chased us in.  So much for the spraying they did yesterday.  We spent the rest of the evening watching football.  John went to bed about 10:15 while I finished the blog. 


  1. Beautiful pins!
    Your lifestyle there on the island sounds sooo good!

  2. Thanks! Yeah, we're pretty laid back. Not quite as busy as Bonnie and Ken. But, hey, they're loving their lifestyle and so are we!! It's interesting how different we all are.

  3. favorite bird is the Roseate Spoonbill, and your pictures are amazing. Really captures the beauty of the bird, and the reflection is a bonus..great picture. Love the blog..brings back great memories from a special place.
