Thursday, October 29, 2015

Our Last Full Day on Jekyll

   I woke up early this morning at about 7:30.  John was just getting ready to go out for his walk.  I did my exercises and got up and got busy.  I sorted laundry to take down to wash, cleaned and oiled some shells, made tea and readied the beach bag for later.  Then I cooked bacon and got pancakes ready to make for when John got back.
The spoon bill showed up again...
...I guess so John could say, "good-bye"
This big deer posed for him...
...and so did this neat mushroom!
These were 2 of the paths he had to take today,
because his regular ones were still closed for clean-up
from the flooding.

Our plans for the day were to drive our bikes down to the historic district to check out the bookstore and ride along the bike trail that we saw Wally the gator on last year.  After our yummy pumpkin pancake breakfast we headed "downtown" at about 11:00.  We parked and then hopped on our bikes.  First stop, the bookstore.  I bought something to use for the annual Frogette (my girlfriends from home) picture we always take while at Ocean City, Maryland.  (I can't say what because some of them read this.). Then we hit the trail in search of Wally.  We didn't see him at first, but then I spied him across the marshy water.  Just call me, "eagle-eye" or more appropriately, "gator-eye."
Heeeeere's Wally!!

We headed back to the car, loaded the bikes and drove back to Harvey.  On the way there were some cops and several people in fluorescent vests along the road.  There were also many vans and a car equipped with some sort of boom type camera on the top.  We were just too curious and finally asked one of the cops what was going on.  He told us that the new Ben Affleck movie, "Live By Night", was filming a scene along the marsh on this stretch of road.  I had heard that there was a movie set in downtown Brunswick for filming this week, but I didn't know about Jekyll!  When we got back to the CG I asked John what he did with the bag from the bookstore.  He said he had put it on the back fender of the Jeep and he thought I had picked it up.  Well, I hadn't.  So I got back in the Jeep and high-tailed it back to the shop.  But I couldn't get thru because of the filming and had to turn around and go back the other way.  By the time I got back to the parking lot, which we figured was where it probably fell off, the package was gone!  I checked at the nearby Turtle Center and the Admin Bldg lost and found, but no luck.  Then I drove back over the road we took back to the CG to see if it was along the road, but, again, no luck.  So I drove back to the bookstore to buy another one and guess what...I had bought the last one!  Shucks!!  I was really disappointed, but decided it wasn't that big a deal.  I can probably find it on line.  So I checked and I did find it on Amazon.  Problem solved.  On the way back I'm sure I caught a glimpse of Ben Affleck and some actors in costume.  I guess you'll have to just take my word for it, because I couldn't stop to take pictures.  By the time I got back to the CG John had already been up on the roof of Harvey to clean off the debris and hose it down,  cleaned up all the chairs, and packed up all the other stuff we had outside.  I helped him hose down the big rug, take down the lights, and gather up all our "lawn ornaments".  Needless to say, we never made it to the beach.  Oh, well, we'll have Camp Lejeune to satisfy our beach cravings!  We cleaned ourselves up and went to Sonny's Barbeque for supper and then to Home Depot for a new toilet seat.  Mine cracked in half yesterday for some reason.  OK, OK, enough with all the things you're thinking right now!!  Cooper called while we were there.  When we got back Sandy and Sadie, the pug, from the RV across from us were taking a walk past our RV, so we said our chatted a bit and said our good-byes.  Then we went down to the laundry.  I took a shower when we got back and John finished up outside, emptying tanks, etc.  He worked really hard!!  He went down and switched the laundry into the dryers.  I cleaned up inside.  Then I went down and finished the laundry.  John came down to help me bring it back. Thanks, Honey!!  We watched some football and then went to bed.  We are in real good shape for our 7:30am departure tomorrow morning!

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