Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Well, Hallelujah...the Sun DID Come Out Today!

  We couldn't sleep last night after going to bed so early, so we both got up and finished our game of Hand and Foot.  I ended up winning, but only by 95 pts, which isn't much when you consider the scoring of this game!  The actual scores were 10,160 to 10,065.  We turned in for the 2nd time at 12:00 but John read until 12:30 and I played Word Twist until 1:00.  John got up at 7:30 and went walking and I woke up at 8:30.  I peeked under the window shade and guess what I saw...THE SUN!!!!  When John got back we had a quick breakfast and got ready to go to the beach... finally!!  We went over to Wanda and Wally's coach to let them know we wouldn't be joining them for lunch at the Golden Isle CG because of the favorable beach weather.  We were on our way by 10:00.  It was a perfect day... about 75, no humidity and a small breeze.  John did a lot more  walking...17,000 more steps (he did 5000 this morning)... and found a couple of conch and tiger eye (snail) shells.  I finished the book I started to read while in OCMD with the Frogettes.  The tide comes back up very quickly on the South beach.  We had to move 4 times until finally at 4:00 we ran out of beach and were forced to leave.  What a wonderful beach day! 
Nice walkway from the parking lot to the beach!!
Loved how the sun "glistened" on the water!
The tide was coming in fast.
Doesn't the driftwood gives character to the beach?
Notice all the birds flying around the fishing boat
just waiting for scraps to be thrown overboard.

John grilled hamburgers for supper and then we made a campfire.  But we weren't able to be out long... the bugs were too bad.  We came in and played Racko...John won... now I have to make breakfast for him tomorrow morning.  He ordered French toast and bacon.  I can handle that!!!  We watched TV while I blogged and then got ready for bed about 10:00.  Sitting out on the beach all day really wears us out :)


  1. You know there are other "games you can play" when you are in bed & can't sleep (without getting out of bed)!!! Thought you knew!

  2. Didn't say how long it took us to get up... just saying! You have such a dirty mind...I like that about you!
