Saturday, February 13, 2016

A Gorgeous Day for the Craft Show

   My alarm didn't have to go off because I woke up at 4:11 and tossed and  turned until 5:45.  We had breakfast finished loading my "stuff" and headed out to the church to claim our spot and set up.  Bonnie and Ken were already there.  We had spots beside each other.  It was a bit chilly, in the low 50's, and everything we put out developed moisture.  But by 9:00 it had warmed up and things dried off.  We were lucky to be in the shade until about 10:00, then it got hot.  There was no air where we were situated.  At least our things didn't blow over!!  It wasn't a very big show, but there some nice stands.  And it only lasted till 1:00...that was great!!  John and Ken took a lengthy walk during the show and then John walked up the road to get a haircut.  Bonnie did better than me, but it was fun, and that's mostly why I do it.  And for a little gas money for Harvey:)  I certainly won't get rich off of my hobby!!
Bonnie and I setting up our stands.
All set up and ready to SELL, SELL, SELL!!
  When we got back to Harvey we had some lunch and then I got ready to go to the pool.  John decided not to join me because he was expecting a call from Todd, Alexandra's boyfriend, regarding job opportunities in the Air Force.  He was just sworn in a few days ago.  John wanted to take a nap after that..  I walked down and got into the pool for a while.  Bonnie came down later.  Alexandra called and we chatted for about 15 minutes.  She misses us...ahhh.  Bonnie and I basically read our books until about 4:30.  She said to give her a call when we were done with supper, so we could get together to play some cards.  When I called her she said that she and Ken were just ready to walk over to Nancy and Neil's because they had just gotten word that Nancy's mother died, and they would be over after that.  Bonnie and I practiced the songs we're going to sing in church tomorrow morning and then we played a game of 5 Crowns (I won...actually I slaughtered them!) and then a game of team Up and Down the River.  The men slaughtered the women!  They left about 10:00.  We went to bed shortly after that.

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