Wednesday, February 3, 2016

We Got Some Familiar Company Today!

When I woke up at 8:30 John was already out walking.  I had breakfast and he got back about 10:00.  He was proud to announce that he "saved" another turtle...from a dirt road that hardly anyone drives on!  Oh, well, it made him feel good.  Hope he doesn't end up wanting one as a pet when we get home!!!
Here's the "lucky" turtle.

  We changed into our bathing suits and headed for the pool.  Just before we got to the pool a familiar Winnebago RV was driving towards us.  Yes, it was Bonnie and Ken.  And behind them was Chuck and Melissa.  We told them we would catch up with them later after they got settled in.  We grabbed loungers beside Pam and Harry and chatted with them for a while.  The sun got very hot...the temp was 84... so we all got in the pool and continued sharing conversation.  Nancy joined us , as well as, a couple from Johnstown.  After about an hour or so and prunish looking skin we all got out.  The wind was starting to gust and we had left our awning out, so we headed back to Harvey.  We stopped at Bonnie and Ken's site first to chat a bit, and then left at 2:00 so we could get ready for our bus trip to the Cape Coral Yacht Club for a Sunset Celebration.  Bonnie's lip looks really good and Ken looked great.  He's lost 20 lbs since coming to Florida.  (He didn't tell me that, Bonnie did)  The bus left at 3:00 and we were there by 4:00.  We headed right for the restaurant because we hadn't eaten any lunch, and we had been told it really fills up at dinner time.  It was called the Boat House Tiki Bar and Grill...totally open air.  We grabbed seats along the railing in the shade, had a drink and ordered our dinner.  John went to the other side, which was by the water, to take some pictures and Pam and Harry were at a table saving seats for us.  We had no idea!  So we joined them and had a great time getting to know them better.

The entire restaurant was open-air.  Service was great
and the food was delicious.  I had shrimp tacos and
John had a grouper Reuben.

There were tables down in the sand, too.
A view of the restaurant from the pier...
...and farther out on the pier.

A gal had just caught this fish with a very sharp fin,
so she was trying to put in back in the ocean.

That's Cape /Coral in the background.

  After dinner Pam and I checked out the craft area and then joined the men on our chairs out by the beach. 
There weren't too many people at first.
There was a live band playing 70's and 80's music and A LOT OF PEOPLE!! 
It filled up closer to sunset!
We watched the gorgeous sunset and then bus picked us up at 6:45.  It was truly a beautiful afternoon/evening! 

These are so neat with the lines through the sun!


Real close...there are those lines again!!

All gone but still producing beauty! 

We got back to the CG at 7:30 and then Skyped with Dustin, Cathy and the girls.  Then I called Arlena to sing "Happy Birthday".  TW was at indoor drum line practice and Bennett refused to talk.  I called Michele and she asked if she could call me later.  John read his book and I worked on my blog the rest of the evening. 

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