Thursday, February 25, 2016

Beautiful Day, But Cool and Windy!

   I woke up this morning to the smell of bacon and potatoes.  My dear husband had breakfast all ready to eat except for the over easy eggs for on top. was good!  I cleaned up the dishes and John left to go walking.  Minutes later he called to ask if wanted to play shuffleboard...the courts were ready to go and available.  I quickly got myself around and met him there.  I couldn't seem to do anything wrong the first game beating him 86-29.  And even though my neck and shoulder were aching, I beat him in a very close game, 79-51.  The last game was a marathon with the lead changing many times! 
The winning form...
...what style, what grace...what BULL!!
This is Riley.  He was a stray here in the park.  He was found
with a cord around his neck.  Luckily, the gal who found him
was able to adopt him.
He is so friendly now, but a month ago he was
very stand offish and wouldn't let his owner put
a collar or leash on him.  There are so many rescue
pets in the nice!!
John continued walking and I went back to Harvey.  I baked a batch of some of that Tastefully Simple Beer bread using the cherry filling from a disgusting cherry pie and Sprite.  But it didn't get right and tasted horrible.  I think the mix was old, but I didn't have the box to check.  My kids are be making fun of me by now because I do sometimes tend to keep things well beyond their expiration dates.  They will be happy to know that I threw it away along with another pouch of bread mix I brought along.  There might be hope for me yet!?!  John got back just before lunch time to rest a bit and then went walking again.  I asked him to stop at Nancy and Bob's RV to invite them over for some cards tonight.  I practiced my song for the variety show, and I also hung up a new plaque using Velcro.  John returned and tonight is a go with Nancy and Bob. 
John took this picture of the mud and deep
vehicle ruts in some of the sites due to all the rain

He also got shots of these cute signs.

He had some lunch and then took a nap.  I had some chicken salad a short time before, so I wasn't hungry.  (it was very good, by the way).   I worked on making a large white bow for my hair for Sat. night's variety show.  When John got up he decided to go to the pool.  I stayed back to work on my pins.  He got back about 5:00, took a shower and had the rest of my hamburger from our dinner with Rhonda. I finished up my pins, tidied up Harvey a bit and then tidied myself up.  A lady who had been at the craft show at the Fisher's of Men church on Pine Island called to ask if she could buy some of mu scarves.  She's going to come here to the CG in the next few days (at least I hope)!  Nancy and Bob arrived at 7:00 and we chatted the first hour just getting to know each other a little better.  They are very nice and shared many experiences and stories.  They both lost their mates  while in their 30's, one to cancer and the other one to a motorcycle accident.  They have been married more than 30 years now.  They still have a home in Chambersburg, but their primary residence is on a lake in Virginia.  They would like us to come down and visit.  Then we played a game of 5 Crowns and Bob was the victor!  They left about 10:00.  And, even though I had the camera out, I forgot to take their picture!  Will I ever get better at that??  Dustin sent us a picture of Ellie wearing a large shark tooth necklace.  I wonder if they are rubbing it in?!?  I worked on the blog and we went to bed at 11:15.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a lovely day!

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