Friday, February 19, 2016

We're Finally Going to the Beach!

    I got up about 8:00.  John was already up, of course.  It was a beautiful day, just as the weatherman had predicted.  We got our suits on and had breakfast.   John took the top off the Jeep while I packed lunches, and we were on the road to Manasota beach by 9:45.  Even though it's an hour drive I was so excited...I needed a shell and sharks teeth fix!!  It was a bit of a chilly ride.  I was glad I had my sweatshirt!  We actually had the heat blowing on my arms and legs...felt good!  We got to the beach about 10:45 and surprisingly found an only 2/3 full parking lot.  We were situated by 11:00 and I headed to the water in search of sharks teeth. favorite position at the beach!
John scooped a few Florida snow shovelfuls for me and then he went for a walk.  He was gone for about an hour and a half and came down to check on me.  I never went back to my chair until 2:00!  It was a perfect day for the beach, about 75 and a mild breeze.  It did get a bit chilly, though, when the sun got behind a cloud, but it didn't last long.  The water was pretty cold, but I managed to find about 60 teeth and a few neat shells.  I ate my lunch (John had already had his).  He went for a walk on the other end of the beach.  I played some Yahtzee and then proceeded to fall asleep.  I snored myself awake.  It must have been pretty loud because the couple to the left of us was looking at me when I got awake!  I headed back to the water just as John returned.  He had found about 15 teeth and I found another 25 or so.
The beach wasn't too crowded today.

towards the end of the afternoon the clouds
were starting to roll in...BRRR!

Ahhh...look what John did.

Wait...let me rephrase that.  John took a
picture of what someone else had done. 
I'll still give him some credit!!
  Oh what fun!!  We decided to leave at 3:45, so we could stop at Rambler's Rest CG in Venice to check about changing our reservation.  We would like to stay at Pioneer Village until March 1 instead of leaving for Rambler's Rest on the 25th.  Mostly because of the great spot we have here and the forecast of rain again next Tues and Wed.
Here's are great site!  A cement pad for Harvey
AND the Jeep.

Lots of patio space!

It's on the main drag, so lots of people
have commented on our purple lights at night.
They automatically know where we are!

This is down into the CG.

This is down towards the office/entrance.
  Rambler's Rest gets so muddy! The problem is we would have to pay the regular daily rate for 2 days (our Hershey special weekly rate plus 2 days) and the cost for 2 days is almost as much as the whole special weekly rate!  They actually let us go look at the site we are supposed to be assigned wasn't great and already wet and full of deep ruts.  So we will need to talk with the staff at Pioneer Village tomorrow to figure it all out.  We got back to the CG after 6:00.  Even John had gotten chilly with the top off the Jeep!  I got a shower while John started supper.  I called Mom and Heather while he grilled pork spare ribs.  They are both doing well.  Masonic Village called while I was talking with Mom.  Dad's cellulitis has gotten worse...isn't responding to the antibiotics.  So they are going to give him some other ones and, hopefully, they will take care of it.  It's always scary when Dad gets an infection because of the possibility of sepsis (infection going to the blood stream).  We sat outside a bit after supper and our neighbors came over to chat.  They are from NY.  We showed them the inside of Harvey.  They were so nice!    We were both ready for bed about 10:00 and then I remembered I had to pay the sales tax on the earnings from my craft shows by tomorrow to get a discount.  Till I had that all figured out it was 11:00! 

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