Friday, February 5, 2016

Windy, Chilly Day on Pine Island!

   John got up about 7:00 and I crawled out of bed about 8:15.  The sun was shining very brightly, but the wind was howling!  It was a chilly 60 degrees, but very beautiful outside!  John called Comcast for the umpteenth time to try to get our bill straightened out.  He was finally successful.  YEA!!  I made pumpkin pancakes and bacon for breakfast.  Michele called me back and we chatted for about a half hour.  She made it back home yesterday.  We saw a video of the dogs greeting her when she walked in the door.  They were sure happy to see her!  She is still having some pain and a few "normal" problems with her breast implants.  It's a process that will take a few more months until she is fully recovered.  She starts back to work on Monday, but she will need a lot of help!  The next CG we are going to in the middle of February is called Pioneer Village about 45 minutes from here.  We had heard some rather disturbing things about it, so we decided to drive there today and check it out.  Pam and Harry had told us about a friend of theirs that is there now, so we looked him up.  Roger and his Doberman, Lane, invited us in to his beautiful Tiffin RV and we talked for about 45 minutes.  Unfortunately, his wife, Kay was not there.  Hopefully we'll get to meet her when we camp there.  BTW...the CG looked just fine.  From there we went to Winn Dixie to pick up a few groceries and some liquor.  By now it was 3:00 and we were both hungry, so we stopped at a Golden Corral.  It was definitely better than the ones back home.  The pot roast was fabulous!  And we were good...neither one of us overate.  We got back about 4:00.  John went for a walk while I called TW and read some of my book.  TW, Arlena and Bennett went to NJ this past Sunday to visit with the couple who she carried the twins for.  Bennett really enjoyed holding and feeding his "brothers".  It's so nice that they are able to see them!  The renovations that TW and Arlena are having done to their new house is coming along very well.  I can hardly wait to see it!  I texted Bonnie to see if the gang wanted to get together to play cornhole inside the little CH, but they still hadn't gotten back from their day long journey from the dermatologist, Costco, and Walmart, so they took a raincheck for tomorrow.  Bonnie made out pretty well at the Dr. except for a close to the surface blood vessel on her lip that opened up and shot out like a geyser when one of the assistants rub too hard on her lip.  Bonnie thought she was going to lose Ken for a moment.  Chuck said he was pretty pale when he emerged into the waiting room!  So Bonnie has to wear the bandage a little longer, but all else was good.  Pam and Harry and their dog, Lucy walked by just as we were ready to go down to the CH for cornhole.  We chatted a bit and then invited to join us.  But they hadn't eaten yet, so I don't know if we'll see them or not.  shortly after we set up the cornhole, Bonnie, Ken, Chuck and Melissa showed up.  They just stopped by to say "Hi".  They still had to put their groceries "up", as Chuck and Melissa call it.  (They are from TN)  We would say "put them away".  We made plans for a cook-out tomorrow around 1:00 which will also include Nancy and Neil.  Bonnie and I are also going to go to a craft show down the road...the one we couldn't get into.  John and I played 2 games of cornhole.  I won both of them!!  But they were really close!  Pam and Harry never showed.  When we got back John read and I watched TV.  Victory made me very tired!! :)  John went to bed at 10:30.  I made chicken salad, worked on the blog and went to bed at 11:45.  The wind is still howling!!  Sorry, no pictures today.  We'll try to do better tomorrow.

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