Thursday, February 18, 2016

Moving Day!

  John got up about 6:30 and I climbed out of bed about 7:45.  We were in no hurry to leave since Pioneer Village is only 45 minutes away.  We decided not to even hook up the Jeep.  I will just drive it.  We had breakfast, I stashed everything away for the move, and then I took a cowgirl hat back to Betty that she gave me to use in the Variety Show at Pine Island at the end of the month.  I just don't look good in hats!!  I also took Sonny's CD over to his RV to get it autographed.  I ended up talking with him and his wife, Yvonne, for almost 45 minutes!  He told me all about the CD...the pictures and the music.  It was great!!  When I got back to Harvey John had the jacks up and the Jeep running.  He wasn't upset or anything.  As a matter of fact he was very happy that I got to chat with Sonny.  He just figured I would be back by 11:00 and he wanted to be ready.  He's good with that...keeps me on my toes which I need.  We are good for each other!!  We left Pine Island at 10:45 :(  We got to Pioneer Village at 11:30.  What a beautiful day!!  But things got ugly real fast!!  When we checked in the gal at the desk said she tried to call us but the number was wrong.  She also emailed us that the site assigned to us was flooded due to the 2 and 1/2 inches of rain they had yesterday morning. (John had not checked his email and the phone number they had was our HOME number, but they had 707 as the area code)  AND...they had no other sites available.  One whole part of the park is closed along with 20 other sites!  They had already contacted other Encore parks with no success.  They pulled up the names and numbers of some other area parks that we could call.  They were very apologetic and we were a bit panicked, but very understanding that no one can control the weather!  John joked that maybe someone that has been here a while could leave and make room for someone new.  Then, all of a sudden, one of the gals said, "wait a minute, the people on SH-23 just pulled out this morning and they were supposed to be here until March 1st".  We hopped into a golf cart to take a look at it and it was perfect!  It's on a corner near the front with a pad for the patio and one for the car!  It's right on the main thoroughfare, but, no problem, it's perfect otherwise!!  This is just another blessing we have experienced during our travels.  It's not a coincidence that if John would have checked his email we wouldn't have even showed up here.  Now we have a gorgeous site.  Another "God wink"!  We were settled in by 1:00.  I walked down to the office to get some dining recommendations for getting together with Rhonda tomorrow night and John finished setting up the patio.  Then I watched some serious shuffleboard going on.  Headed back to Harvey and John was ready to get our suits on go down to the pool.  But he challenged me to shuffleboard first.  So off we went to the shuffleboard courts.  OMGosh, they are fast!!  They reminded me of an air hockey game, the way the puck floats down the court.  You hardly have to push them at all!  Well...I absolutely creamed my loving husband in both games.  Sorry, Honey! 
Read it and weep, John!
That's the court that finally provided
victory for ME!
The courts are absolutely ice!
Then we checked out the community's huge!
It's double the size of any other one we've ever been in.
  We signed up for an "Atlantic Coast" potluck dinner tomorrow night.  Guess we'll have to change our plans with Rhonda.  Then went to the pool for about 30 minutes.  John got in, I didn't. 
My "piggys" at the pool.

My Honey relaxing in the warm pool.

Both the pool and the hot tub are pretty big.

We went back to Harvey, John showered, and then we left for supper and some grocery shopping.  We were hungry for pizza, so got a recommendation from the gal in the office.  It was in Ft Myers...a Chicago style pizza...deep dish specialty.  We got there about 7:30.  What a good was delicious!  But we never did check the price of the pizza.  With the 2 toppings it was $25.00!!!  We were glad it was good and, of course, we brought half of it home.

Does that look good or what!?!  It really wasn't as big
 or deep as it looks.  It was 12 inches and only the
 outer crust is thick.  The cheese and topping are
UNDER the  sweet sauce. 
Then we went to Super Target.  Arlena called on the way home.  She was watching Cooper and asked if we wanted to Skype.  We talked instead.  Bennett was unusually chatty.  He normally doesn't like to talk on the phone.  We got home about 9:45.  I worked on putting pictures in my last 2 blogs (I had left the camera case with the cord in Ken's car) and John did some reading.  He went to bed about 11:00.  I didn't get there until 12:30.  We're thinking we might want to go to Manasota Beach tomorrow to get my beach and shark tooth fix.

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